Saturday, March 28, 2009

31st March - psych presentation & english presentation
4th April - math exam
6th April - lit exam
8th April - chem exam

I can't believe I have two presentations on the same day. That's super unlucky. And worse still, the periods are back to back. And my exams start on a SATURDAY. So sucky luhhh. Oh well.. It'll be over soon then I have a 10 day break :D

Oh yea before I forget, daylight savings ends on 5th April so the time diff between melbourne and singapore will be 2 hours instead of 3.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I have not a single drop of acting blood in me! What shit man!

Okay fine it's not included in the final grade but excuse me for being an achia and saying, "it counts but it doesn't count". I can't just go up and impromptu because I'm not anywhere near as good at improv as the whose line cast. The worst part is that my drama teacher is my mentor (like he settles all my admin things like travel declaration). ZOMG.

Monday, March 16, 2009

omgggggg my parents + facebook = disasterrrrrr

okay not really. but it's getting a little obsessive haha.

Exhibit A: an excerpt from an email from my mum
"I get the sense you're having to work pretty hard. Hope you find school stimulating nevertheless. Presume history of ideas classes have started and offer something fresh and interesting. Did you see me poke you on facebook?"

Exhibit B: phone call with my mum
"Oh I saw a photo of you with pink sunglasses on facebook! I thought you didn't like that kind of pink. How come you bought pink sunglasses? etc. etc. etc."
Okay not exactly like that but that's more or less the gist of it. I was like "uhh I was wearing my friend's sunglasses"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"How come all those greek statues have six packs?"

"Are those saggy six packs? oh no it's cloth.."

1985 starts playing on my itunes then
"eh can you please play a song I know?"
"huh? you mean you don't know 1985?!"
"I do!"
"this IS 1985"
"oh.. haha"

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I got up at like 12 30 today and let me tell you, it felt awesome.

I swear I'm still living in singapore time okay. I've been sleeping at 2am for most nights and I think it's killing me slowly.

Okay so after walking up at 12 30, I ate my supposed breakfast (which was really more like lunch) and then at 1 + I skyped brenda. And I skyped her all the way to 4pm. foey love mannnn.


Friday, March 6, 2009

quotable quote
"He has a pet prawn called Food"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ZOMG. I found a friend from kindergarten at trinity. coolio. I think she's in my math lecture.

Michelle Wijaya is in my chem tutorial.

Some random guy who says he knows th is in my english class.

I feel so rested :D I slept at 2 and I woke up at 10+ today. Finally a decent 8 hours of sleep. Lucky me, there's no chem prac today so I only have one lesson at 3 45. It's a history of ideas tutorial and my teacher is apparently supposed to be really good (he taught 8 of the 10 top hoi students last year) so fingers crossed that his teaching works on me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Eh karyn you damn blunt horh.
"i totally dont support parents being friends with their kids on fb, ugh."
on my wall where my dad can read it.

haha I agree with you though.

But still, I couldn't possibly have ignored my dad's friend request right? I'd probably be interrogated on skype or something.

and horror of horrors I think my dad's testing out all the retarded facebook stuff on me. He wrote on my wall, poked me and sent me a message (in fact it was just a subject. there was no actual message). Pretty soon I'm going to find a million group invites or some such shit.

Okay so at long last I've had my first day of school. Psychology was pretty okay, chem was utterly dull besides the demos and math was totally torturous. The math lecturer is as fast as a bullet train and speaks as softly as ms beh speaks loudly. Thank goodness the topics we're currently doing is stuff I've done before. gawshhhhhh.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh yea I forgot to tell you.

My hair is freaking pink now.

I bought a purple dye (many people can testify to the purpleness of the sample we were shown) but somehow it just turned out pink.
omg I'm freaking tired today. Two days ago, my friends and I talked, ate and played cards till 4 30, then I slept for about 45 minutes and then we left the house at 6 to go to victoria market. WHOA RIGHT.