Wednesday, April 29, 2009

breakfast conversations

s: I put too much pepper!
y: huh water?
z: what? bottle?

a little bit later..

h: I don't think they put the pickle thing in the porridge
s: did you say you DO or you DON'T?
h: DON'T?
s: what? DO or DON'T?

and it went on like that for a while then

y: what are you talking about? pickle is it?
z: what liquor?

Apparently palmerston people are pretty deaf in the morning.

Go listen to nevershoutnever! His songs are pretty awesome like those on his myspace playlist. I love playing heregoesnothin' on taptap.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

omg school starts tomorrow.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Here brenda, what you're missing for not coming here. tsk tsk.

SARAHHHH! this reminded me of kungfu panda which reminded me of you haha

Driving theory test tomorrow! I'd better pass or it's 30 bucks down the drain.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I went to the melbourne zoo today!

Here Karyn, your "pretty giraffe"

oh oh and twin, for you..

and there was this really pretty butterfly that was sc colours but the photo's really blurry :(

during lunch we were so bored that we used all of this

to make this

Monday, April 20, 2009

"... equestrian competition"
"huh what any question?"
"orhhh chey I thought it's some competition where they ask you any question and you answer"
omggg I miss the food in singapore soooooo sooooooo much!

shit luh.

I crave warm garlic naan dipped in spicy butter chicken curry

I long for the spurt of soup in my mouth as I sink my teeth into succulent xiao long baos

I miss the smell of vinegar wafting from the bowls of meepok at the recess table and the people around it

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I went to the Melbourne Aquarium yesterday! There were normal creatures and stuff like what you see at Underwater World (from what I remember like 10 years ago)

manta ray!


but there were some pretty weird creatures too like

this! (whatever fish it is)


There's lots more photos but I'm kind of lazy to upload them now.

I feel like eating Ben&Jerry's phish food now.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Guess what time I slept last night?

9 45am this morning.

Amazing right?

And then I slept in until 3pm then went out for lunch. We finished lunch at 5pm. I wonder what time I'll eat dinner and sleep tonight.

eh brenda I'm practically living in your timezone!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

omg my grandad was admitted to hospital for suspected deep vein thrombosis D:

and omg I spent so much money today. And all in one shop, JayJays (which is a super awesome cool shop and everyone who comes to australia should go there to shop).

$49.95 grey skinnies
+$39.95 black skinnies
+$39.95 cookie monster hoodie
=$129.85 of pure indulgent spending

gahhh. I have a total of 25cents left in my wallet now. For real. and I'm going out for lunch and a movie with my sis tomorrow. TALK ABOUT BROKE MANNNN

edit: In the end one of my housemates bought over my black skinnies so I spent a total of $89.90 at JayJays. It's somewhat better I guess.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Someone cosplayed to go for the math exam.

You should have seen her makeup zomg. Her entire face was red because she put too much rouge or something and you could see this line parallel to her jawline cos she didn't put on her foundation properly. We were speculating that she was trying to distract everyone so that we would all fail the math exam and she would do well.

Yesterday's lit exam she wore some freaky silk goth dress with ruffles down the front and it had white trimming and she was wearing clompy boots with chunky heels and her white socks showed above the top of them. It was quite.. weird to say the least.

Friday, April 3, 2009

yay juniors I'm so proud of all of you! I knew you could do it (:
awesome awesome awesome.

okay today was rather torturous. After lunch, I left for my lessons and it started raining cats and dogs like 2 minutes after I stepped out the door. My friends and I bought an umbrella to share but the rain was so heavy that it was pretty useless. When at long last I walked into my lit tutorial (looking like something that the cat dragged in), I was soaked through thoroughly from head to toe. So my jacket was still completely wet and when I left my lit tutorial to go for chem lecture, I had to walk through the drizzle and endure the relentless wind in shorts, a tshirt and wet shoes (and socks), carrying my soaked jacket in hand. I was almost sh-sh-shivering. My shoes had so much water in them that the water was swirling around inside and it squelched loudly with every step I took. After an immensely boring chem lecture, I still had to walk back with my squelchy shoes. gah.