Friday, April 3, 2009

yay juniors I'm so proud of all of you! I knew you could do it (:
awesome awesome awesome.

okay today was rather torturous. After lunch, I left for my lessons and it started raining cats and dogs like 2 minutes after I stepped out the door. My friends and I bought an umbrella to share but the rain was so heavy that it was pretty useless. When at long last I walked into my lit tutorial (looking like something that the cat dragged in), I was soaked through thoroughly from head to toe. So my jacket was still completely wet and when I left my lit tutorial to go for chem lecture, I had to walk through the drizzle and endure the relentless wind in shorts, a tshirt and wet shoes (and socks), carrying my soaked jacket in hand. I was almost sh-sh-shivering. My shoes had so much water in them that the water was swirling around inside and it squelched loudly with every step I took. After an immensely boring chem lecture, I still had to walk back with my squelchy shoes. gah.

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