Saturday, May 30, 2009

we celebrated Sam's birthday last night! (I realise that I don't really blog much about the people here so maybe you don't know who sam is) and it was pretty retarded. Our attempt to surprise her was like 50% fail.. but at least she was still surprised.

I feel like eating char siew mee. Or chicken rice. Or kwaychap.
I'm really sorry. It was just a harmless prank. none of us meant anything by it. I hope you know that

Ugh time to go get my bank draft for my rent :\

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

june timeline update!
1st lit essay question release
5th hoi essay due
9th english presentation; replacement math lecture; karyn's birthday!
11th drama monologue exam
20th exams start; english exam
22nd lit essay due; math exam
24th psych exam
25th chem exam
26th last minute gift shopping and packing

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


stupid hoi essay.

june timeline:
1st lit essay question release
5th hoi essay due
9th english presentation; replacement math lecture; karyn's birthday!
11th drama monologue exam
22nd lit essay due; exams start

Monday, May 25, 2009

I can't stand the way some people here don't know how to treat their friends properly. What a bitch man. Totally. I feel sorry for your friends because they have to deal with all this shit from you even though they've been nothing less than the best to you. I feel sorry for you because if you carry on like this you'll land yourself alone eventually. All I can say is I'm glad you've moved.

On a happier note! I've got almost all of kris' and adam's songs from this season! thanks bel! you're damn proooo!

Monday, May 18, 2009

sometimes I wonder if my friends are intentionally lame or not.

"what are you playing?"
"by yourself?"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I met my sister to watch Angels and Demons today. Wow I think I didn't see her for almost a month before this. oops.

Anyway, Angels and Demons was really good. Some parts were pretty gruesome though.. I had to sit through at least 10 deaths in the film? Disturbing. My sis says it's a bit different from the book (needless to say, I haven't read it) but we both really enjoyed it. I guess it was worth the $14.

sighhhh. it's a cold and dreary now.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I really love autumn.

I went on a walk around mel u with my darling roommate today! And we were falling in love with the trees and the buildings and autumn in general. It's so awesome that it inspired me to write. And it takes quite a lot to make me want to write and actually complete what I started writing so I'm really happy. Autumn makes me really happy :D

Saturday, May 9, 2009

You make me wonder, sometimes, how deep our friendship runs.

Don't you know that what you says hurts?
Do you even care that it hurts?
Or are you just too cold-blooded?
You and your materialistic consumeristic attitude.

Yet on other occasions, you just make me smile.
make me feel warm inside,
as comforting as warm milk and cookies in the heart of winter.

You really do make me wonder.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Yesterday randomly during lit lecture I felt like falling asleep on a nice patch of grass. Don't ask. I don't know either.

Anyway, let me tell you how smart I am. While recovering from a sore throat, I decided to eat chips and chocolate. So now it feels like I've got a cactus wedged in my throat.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Wanderings of the mind/Daydreaming
you should try to score full marks.
I think of floods, and Noah & his ark,
Disaster, death, save a couple of pairs.
But now population explosion, we're breeding like hares.
swing swing swing again
to meadows of green where I can be sane.
Soil erosion, runoffs, raindrop impact.
my head is buzzing with all these facts.
Buzzing buzzing like a swarm of bees,
during lessons, this is where my mind flees.

a scream, a shout
a chair kicked about.
a real bee appears,
flies around my ears.
worksheets come in handy here
sweeping the insects far from near
Shoo Shoo **** bee, get out!
to your sweet pollen, please do not pout.
Shut the windows! Close the French doors!
Don't let those bees come in anymore.

away away away
to a treasure trove, I say.
where the water is blue
and the island birds coo.
where hammocks swing
and surfer dudes are king.

a shout, a thwack
now I'm under attack
my train of thought is broken
I'm like a child without a token
to spend at the funfair.
Now I'm in class, no longer out there

- Spam Hanon Wenko Lipton & Zach Xavier Collins (posted 27th June 2008)

oh haha I just realised that I'll be going back to Singapore exactly a year after that poem was posted on rbtw.

I feel like I've lost all ability to write creatively. My vocabulary is very much a passive one. I don't use the words I know. I just have this miniscule selection of words that I recycle like they were the cause of all the pollution in the world. It's seriously pathetic. And the worst thing is that there's no need for me to write narratives for english anymore so I've got no motivation to write. And there's no more classmates who tide me over classroom boredom by writing retarded (but nevertheless good) poems and stories and pretty post-its. I've forgotten how to write. I've forgotten.

The RubberBand

Karyn can you remember which lecture this was from? I can't! D:

21 ways to die. If I'm not wrong it was created during a combined sy-se chem lesson with lbh.

It's coming to 3 months since I first arrived in Melbourne and I can't think of anything I'm looking forward to more than going back to Singapore. There are almost too many things I miss, from $6 movie tickets to the infinite variety of good food, but it goes without saying that what I miss most of all is the people. Life's so different without being able to see you guys practically everyday. And so, the count down begins now. 54 days.