Saturday, October 31, 2009



I hope they're top two this cycle.

I'm watching cycle 10 now, instead of studying like I should since exams are in about 2 weeks time.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


It was soooooo hot! But the thing is, it was supposedly only 24 degrees. That means that I'm going to die when I get back to Singapore. SIGH. I like 20 degree weather.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

omg miley's so slutty in this mv. and it's itunes top selling mv. who'd have guessed.
I want steve appleton's new album! or at least the songs. ahhhh.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Frankly speaking, drama is my most hated subject. Yes, even more so than eap, which sucks thoroughly. My heart goes out to my fellow sufferers of the same teacher. freaking mentor.

fish lah.

all this time, effort and frustration just for 10% of the English grade. I'd rather not count English in my best 4 than go through all this.

and wtf how can you expect us to come up with stories with unexpected endings like Frankenstein? do we look like Mary Shelley to you? and wtf how can we possibly do anything if you don't seem to like anything at all? I swear that the only thing that will please you is The Box Version 2.0. gosh and the thing is that no one even enjoys inventing, staging and then performing this abstract shit. not to mention that the audience doesn't enjoy watching it either. apart from you. gah. and you've got to be the one who's marking our performance. great.


I'm now full of foul thoughts cos of drama.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

omg I don't care how freaking weird bloody-eyeball-nicole is. she takes awesome photos.

Monday, October 12, 2009

feeling blah

Saturday, October 10, 2009

feeling uber sleepy. but it's only 10 40!

my housemates have decided that we're going to 'study' or 'do work' at the library tomorrow. unfortunately, two things that I'm particularly allergic to. I really don't want to do any work. but I shall try to force myself to tomorrow. What I really feel like doing is shopping. Actually buying something, not just window shopping. I should budget to let myself shop soon, before mid-season sales are over! if not I'll have to wait till end of season.

p.s. thanks karyn for your random offline messages! they're really sweet.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"A bit disappointing. I mean, it's not a bad mark, but.. yea."
Gosh. How many times have I heard my eap teacher say that. Well whatever, at least eap isn't counted.

I want to go back to France. Take that night cruise down the Seine again and see the Eiffel Tower lit like a Christmas tree. Go see the sacre coeur and notre dame. Walk down the Champs Elysees pretending to be able to afford things there. Ride the metro just for kicks. Sample chocolate truffles and macaroons from the finest chocolatiers. Have fresh croissants for breakfast at the best boulangeries. Soon I hope.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

daylight savings! I just lost an hour. So now melbourne is 3 hours ahead of singapore.

I am dreading starting school again. Not to mention that I'm getting back all my results this week and they're pretty worrying. Gah. I'm also procrastinating again. I've got an eap presentation plan and chem spectroscopy tute questions and an organic chem flowchart to complete before tuesday. Oh well.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

We had mooncake for palmerston dessert today! Am I impressed or what!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just came back from my farmstay! It was really fun. too tired to say much more than that and anyway palmerston internet won't let me upload any photos.

I got to watch The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas at the farmstay haha. A fantastic film, seriously. Go watch it if you haven't! We watched twilight too hurhur.

Today was pretty sucky. We were on the train back from the farmstay and there was some technical issue at a station ahead of us so our train had to stop (bloody west footscray). The train company arranged for coaches to pick up all the passengers but we had to wait an hour for them to come, by which time the trains were able to run again. So the remaining passengers who had not been able to board any of the coaches yet were shepherded back onto the train. We took tram back to palmerston from southern cross station. Lady Luck was CERTAINLY on our side today because tram inspectors came on board and caught us without tickets. So we've got to foot a $172 fine though we can appeal when we get the letter from the department of transport. Okay I suppose the second part was pretty much well deserved but still, it was rather bad luck.

OH WELL. I'm still happy from the farmstay (: