Thursday, October 15, 2009

Frankly speaking, drama is my most hated subject. Yes, even more so than eap, which sucks thoroughly. My heart goes out to my fellow sufferers of the same teacher. freaking mentor.

fish lah.

all this time, effort and frustration just for 10% of the English grade. I'd rather not count English in my best 4 than go through all this.

and wtf how can you expect us to come up with stories with unexpected endings like Frankenstein? do we look like Mary Shelley to you? and wtf how can we possibly do anything if you don't seem to like anything at all? I swear that the only thing that will please you is The Box Version 2.0. gosh and the thing is that no one even enjoys inventing, staging and then performing this abstract shit. not to mention that the audience doesn't enjoy watching it either. apart from you. gah. and you've got to be the one who's marking our performance. great.


I'm now full of foul thoughts cos of drama.

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