Saturday, November 28, 2009

no more studying

EXAMS ARE OVER. Finally. Now I can relax! But I swear, yesterday was one of the most tiring days I've ever been through. Probably the most exercise I've gotten this year. Walking from melbourne central to dfo south wharf, then walking back to crown, then around crown, then to ivan's place, then back to the crown arcade, then running around like some mad person during laser tag, then walking back to the city to hail a cab at 2 30am. My legs are achy achy achy. Anyway, I still had fun, and spent lots of money.

I bought a new bag! A grey abercrombie and fitch one. It was $35 so I'm pretty happy. On Tuesday I went shopping at docklands with my cousin, and I should have known that shopping with her would end with me buying stuff. I bought two dresses, wearing one to valedictory and the other one.. urh... idk. for fun.

December is coming! (: my favourite month of the year.

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