Thursday, October 21, 2010


If I ever become a lecturer/tutor in charge of exchange credit approval (p=0) I will vow not to be like the people I have to deal with now. I will reply my emails quickly instead of leaving the poor students with no idea of whether I've received their emails or not. I will reply my emails definitively so that the poor students don't have to hunt down my office on their own and guesstimate a time a time that I'll be there. GOSH.

erivuhroeciampoiaaervgieja;boijhvra. This is making me very stressed. I fear I may not be able to complete my application before I leave. It doesn't help that my parents are also taking forever to find and scan my sc stuff for my resumé. Okay I need to chillax and do deep breathing and remember that people have other stuff to do too.

On a completely random note, chia bread is very nice and it's healthy! (: I'm not just saying that cos it's my namesake food. Oh yea today's weather was wonderful, the kind of weather that makes you feel like everything's right with the world. Blue skies and all that. Quite summery for spring actually compared the the london-esque week we've just had. Tomorrow's supposed to hit 29˚ though, which I'm not looking forward too. I hope I don't melt before I locate the office of the statistics associate professor whom I have never met before.

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