Friday, July 31, 2009

Meet Emily Grace Reaves and Noah Lindsey Cyrus;

It's so scary how they dress like they're teens but they're only 8 and 9 respectively.

Oh but this is worse. So totally Mean Girls.

I predict that they're going to be Disney's next mileymandy/demiselena.

Now meet Frankie Jonas, 8 years old. Frankie Jonas says he already has a band and "we're doing some demos". So Disney doesn't need to worry about the next Jonas Brothers either.

And there are people out there who want these two to be the next niley.

I mean, seriously, they're KIDS. freaking KIDS. Not even a decade old yet. Prepubescent with their futures dictated by what will increase publicity.

Oh well.

I'm down with the fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I hate being sick.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

8-person bridge. retarded tawnlm.

I miss writing narratives. I feel as though all of my creativity(whatever minute amount there was) has been squashed out of me with all these academic essays. They're so amazingly unexciting. Seriously.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I love this song.

Yesterday! I spent most of my day shopping. I bought a $7.80 jacket, pretty much just for the sake of buying something. So much for saving up for my 3G s haha!

I played 6 person bridge just now with 2 decks of cards. Not just ATTEMPTED okay, PLAYED. A bit screwy and a lot of confusion but nonetheless, fun (and retarded). You should try it sometime.

oh dear I slacked my weekend away yet again.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

catchy song! I had it stuck in my head earlier.

and I keep getting 只对你有感觉 stuck in my head too! and horror of horrors I realised today that I didn't put it on my phone so I couldn't listen to it to get it out of my head.

My drama class has been sorted into our groups for this term's exam. We need to do a 6-10 minute performance in front of an audience of other students. oh and of course the drama teachers. Ahhh and I haven't started on my psych/hoi essays! I'm so dead man! hmm english common task is due soonish too. plus there's mini math tests almost every week or something. I'd better get to work yea?

Ingrid Michaelson (: She can sing live.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I never imagined that I would miss Singapore this much. Right now, pretty much the only thoughts that pass through my head are about going home. In a way, it's worse than when I came in Feb because home didn't plague my brain like it's doing now. I wish I could go back in September. Fat chance. So it's a long wait till 5th December.

we haven't talked in ages ):

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

omg I swear I'm so going deaf.

"must bring covered shoes"
"huh cabbage juice?!"
"fbts: flash butt and thighs"

my mind is feeling disjointed. Like there's something that's just been bugging me the entire day and even if I'm trying to concentrate on something else, it's still there. Perhaps I owe someone something.

oh well. results! results results! pretty good so far I suppose. but I wish I could have done better for some stuff. I guess it's not too bad either way (:

Monday, July 13, 2009

I was talking to sarah woohoo and she had this to say:
you know
i made
a guy
it was during chinese
then he kept disturbing me
cause he like
cannot pay attention one
so he kept talking
alot alot of funny rubbish
then cause i have like
then he and this other guy
who used to be in woohooland
got kicked out
cause they rebelled
and 'created'
cool island
or smth like that
then they realised
no one wanted to join them
so they wanted to come back to woohooland
so i was like
you all rebelled
i dont want to take you back
and then (he always uses this to 'threaten' you) he said: eh sarahhhhhhhh i cry ah!
like he's done that millions of times
and each time i nod my head vigorously
then he
he'll say smth like
eeeeeeee. no so hard to cry
as in like
he stoned for a while (amazing right)
then he showed me this droplet that formed at the corner of his eye
then i was like laughing la
so i was like nonono must drop until like beside your nose
then at the same time another one came from the other eye
then my whole face turned red
cause the laoshi was staring at the both of us
like wth
so i covered my face
and the laoshi asked what was going on
and EVERYONE turned around
and i was like
lao shi ta ku le!
the laoshi lookat meeeeee
so i covre my face
then he went on saying
everyone turn aronud and look at her, to see the meaning of (What's that phrase for redfaced?)
so i use my jacket to cover my face
then i asked the teacher whether i can move place
i said he was disturbing me
so the laoshi suggested i change place
then ichanged place
omg so embarrassinggg
then the laoshi damn annoying one la
'yi ge zai nai li ku, ling yi ge you lian hong....'
then something abouttt
i wonder what mustve been going on
or smth like that

haha I miss you deskbuddy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

  • pay attention during chem lectures
  • pay attention during chem tutes
  • make productive use of hoi lectures if I'm not paying attention
  • do my math homework
  • start studying for exams earlier than the day/night before
  • check my exam papers properly instead of leaving so early
haha okay whatever. I'll be lucky if these resolutions even last till the second week of term.

And other goals! iPhone 3gs! I can get it in 2 months I think, if I save 80% of my allowance each month. But that's pretty impossible so maybe... two and a half months. I hope.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


brenda for being there to see me off (and meeting me almost everyday besides that). It means so much since I won't be seeing you for almost an entire year.

carmen for the peace ring and for all the laughs last night. Remember, Turkey is not in Africa or Egypt but Egypt is in Africa.

karyn for calling even though you couldn't be there (:

sarah for also providing much amusement last night :D:D:D awesome deskbuddy

serene for the mention in your blogpost. I know you're really busy with everything so thanks (:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I feel sunburnt.

Last night was syf presentation night! After another xiaolongbao dinner at dingtaifung, we teetered and tottered in our completely un-sensible shoes from raffles city to esplanade. There was a lot a lot of hassle trying to pass tickets to different people. Quite funny at some point really..

Anyway, then the concert itself. 
The tkgs trumpet soloist is damnnnnnnnnnn pro. Okay so she screwed up at one part but she still sounded damn good! 
The acsi percussionist. respect man! how do you play two instruments at once and six throughout one piece. You should have seen brenda's face haha.

omg serene I don't care what you say about how below standard your band performance was because it was still good. we didn't manage to spot jun rong but we DID manage to spot jon foo. haha.

I realise that I'm leaving tomorrow. I mean yea I get to see my melbourne friends but it's still really saddening not being able to see all of you for another 5 and a half months and brenda for 11 months. 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

hello mr appleton :D

Friday, July 3, 2009

I miss this song. Remember this video sarah?!

haha and I can't get enough of nigahiga. omg. hilarious.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

yay I went out with brenda jan and karyn today!

I love ben&jerry's chocolate therapy. I haven't had ben&jerry's in ages but I must say, although it's nice, it just can't compare with lygon gelato. mmmm crema's dutch chocolate, freddo's cookies, gelatissimo's chocolate sorbet

I FINALLY got my bubble tea! I'm so happy now :D:D:D

Thanks jan for your extremely enthusiastic hugs haha. Good luck for bio!

Thanks karyn for your letter! it made me laugh haha. I miss chinese lessons with squidward老师 :\

Thanks brenda for the awesome tshirts. We should all wear them on monday and camwhore haha. Should I buy you scrabble jewellery to match?