Monday, December 21, 2009

Okay I think this will be a considerably long post because the past few days have been... considerably eventful.

I went to island to eat teh tarik (at long last!) the other day and chanced upon this poster when I was passing the rental shop.

I'm sure it's full of intense sword fights, gallant adventures and chivalrous deeds. Nothing spells medieval action movie like Barbie. And who doesn't love those pastel dresses and matching boots.

I had a weird dream the other night about lorraine keong (yellow team, had a mole, had short hair, 6p, went to bendemeer sec). I was out for lunch with the bridgers and I saw her on our way to the restaurant. Anyway, she asked me for my number and I got hers. If I recall it was something like 91299989. Anyone want to try calling it? In my dream I was having a hard time deciding whether or not to bring up bigbang and dbsk for sake of conversation. Then I woke up.

Well the dinner with the family was pretty amusing.

And today! I went to pasir ris with sarahh! Omg! It's the end of the green line! I was reminded of the time twin and brenda and I went to try and find the horse riding place and were sorely disappointed to find that we couldn't ride there. Anyway, the warehouse sale thingy that we went to was playing particularly horrible and annoying techno remix music which just drills away at your ears and are recipes for instant headaches and brain numbing.

Carmen I'm sure you'll like sarahh's present to you.

Thanks sarahh for the presents! I still haven't opened them yet. :D yes the wrapping is awesome.

Hi brenda! I can't wait to meet you tomorrow. I haven't seen you in like FOREVER. AND WE DIDN'T SKYPE.

And that is my definition of considerably long. I count the lines taken up by the picutre (:

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