Monday, September 14, 2009

omg I'm so tired I could drop dead any moment. I think it's residual mental exhaustion from the lit essay along with a whole day out today.

After handing in my essay, I went to watch zhen practice piano. Then I met bel and ivan for a very leisurely high tea at Hotel Langham. FINALLY HAD MY JAM AND SCONES. but seriously nothing can beat Broughton Castle (:

We met shu & peiwen & family to go Smith Street where bel, amazingly, didn't buy anything. First time ever she left there empty-handed! Then mahjong/wii at peiwen's place for 3 hours straight (I think?). Eh peiwen your place is really very very comfortable.

Met more people for Korean bbq. We all came out smelling like barbecued meat. I bathed but I feel like I can't scrub the smoke from the barbecue off my face! feels gross. Gosh and I'm still damn full.

thanks ivan for treating us to tea and dinner!
we're going to pay you back t

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