Thursday, March 11, 2010

Someone please recommend me a "how to make friends at uni" course.

I've never been so thankful to have attended trinity before. And to have stayed at palmerston. I swear, if I hadn't, I'd probably be going insane by myself in my bedroom while trying to do a shitty bio tutorial sheet. Okay fine, no I wouldn't be because I can be relatively self-sufficient when the need arises. But my point is, I have up till now still not made any new friends. I'm so antisocial haha.

Actually, I'm still pretty happy. I have my trinity friends in my lectures, so that's not too bad. Getting closer to some of my trinity acquaintances too. It's just that my tutorials are pretty dull without real friends.

Oh yea, the people in my bio tute are freaky. It sounds like they study every day in order to consolidate all the lecture info. They can answer almost all of the tutor's questions, and one girl even knew stuff that the tutor didn't know. I mean, I just sit there staring at my paper, trying my best to scribble down all of the answers which I didn't get.

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