Tuesday, August 31, 2010

one moose two meese

can you spell cute?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

every day I shock SHOCK

I went to play pool yesterday for the first time in months! Somehow with my noob skillz I managed to sink 3 balls in a row during one of the games. The stupid beast song still stuck in my head.

I need you naooooo

Friday, August 27, 2010

I swear

As cheesy and corny as this is, I still really love this song HAHA. It's just like Westlife/Backstreet Boys/N'sync. They are so epic just never go out of style (Y)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I just ate 1/3 of my cadbury pastilles and 3/5 of my ritz crackers. This is after having twix for breakfast (freaking unhealthy I'm so disgusted by myself) and one slice of kaya bread and two slices of tuna bread and one piece of dying lettuce for lunch. And I think I'm going to eat duck rice for dinner (Y).

OH yesterday. Psych tutorial yesterday - stand on the street corner and point at the sky and see how many people look up too. Okay well that makes it sound very un-scientific but the way we did it was rather un-scientific anyway. There we were, 10 retards standing outside lygon court pointing at some random part of the sky for one minute with 2 other people attempting to be inconspicuous nearby whilst recording the number of people who stopped or looked up.

yay I'm very proud of myself because I understand bio (:

Monday, August 23, 2010

I should change my tagboard

Just watched ocean's eleven again. Brad Pitt and George Clooney are hilarious seriously. Okay actually the entire cast is. Definitely one of my all time favourite movies. Urghhhh I really want to watch twelve now D:

Hi brenda let's have an oceans and mission impossible marathon during the hols.

Assignments piling up! oh dear. and bloody toots who cancelled my rep. Now I'm one hour short. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't so last minute. Now all the available projects left I can't even sign up for because they're all either for those who have stayed in Australia for 10 or more years, Australian citizens of European descent or right-handers. What's a left-handed international supposed to do srsly.

Friday, August 20, 2010

I am bored


cool beans. internet ftw.


hi twin

I love you!

have faith have strength 3 weeks is enough

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Tomorrow's forecast sounds pretty. Local hail and the chance of morning snow flurries on the nearby hills. But 5 to 13 degrees. NOT FUNNY.

Congratulations woohoo on winning the Steve Appleton cd from the radio contest! (Y) SO PROUD HAHA.

urghurgh I shouldn't leave my msn on when I leave my com. People start typing to me and sometimes there's too much to read so I just close everything and that's that.

I've used a lot of brain juice today trying to do my calculus 2 assignment. It's so difficult :( I can't believe I'm doing uni math. So I'm now brenda's nerd (Y). Urgh hopefully I can figure out the questions tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I have a feverrrrrrrrrr.

It's been a fun week with brenda low! Good food + good company = not in the mood for work. I have to get cracking on my psych essay. And I am seriously behind for calc and bio. Good job. Oh and I've had a total overdose of monopoly deal.

Watched step up 3 in 3d yesterday~ $20 can you believe it D: But it was all worth it to see Harry Shum for those few short minutes (: (: he's so cool. Brenda and I started making a lot of noise when he came on screen for the first time oops haha.

"Have you watched Juno?"
"Yea omg you mean you haven't?"
"yah! can we watch it in December in hk?"
"sure. huh you mean you really haven't watched it?"
"yah cos I'm too scared to watch it alone"
"oh wait wait is it Juno or Ju On?"


aww brenda my house is so empty without you now :( AND I'M SURE YOU'RE GOING TO GET ALL A*S YOU SMART FART STOP WORRYING SO MUCH.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I am so bored right now. And sleepy. I've been trying to pay attention and I'm actually interested in the lecture material but her voice omg. Not to mention she's damn longwinded.

Yayyyyy brenda's coming TOMORROW. exciting. Hi Brenda (:

Monday, August 9, 2010

hey shorties

Roomie showed me this newspaper article the other day and it turns out I'M THE SAME HEIGHT AS LADY GAGA. That's really short omg. Quite hard to imagine because she's always in her insanely high heels. I'm pretty sure those Alexander McQueen lobster claws add something like 12 inches of height.

Oh and Cheryl Cole's only 5'3". Which is 160. Which is not what her photos and mvs lead us to believe.

Roomie just attempted to freestylep rap omg funneh.

p.s. I'm taller than Imelda Staunton.

Friday, August 6, 2010

brain fart

I set my alarm for 8.40 this morning cos I needed to go print lecture notes before bio. Left the house at 9.40, reached erc at 9.45 (it's awesome living across the road from campus). Then I was using the com and when I checked the time and OH SHIT IT'S 5 MINUTES TILL 10AM. So quickly printed my notes and hurried off to Copland. When I walked in, I was wondering where Dawn Gleeson was cos some specs dude that I've never seen before was standing at the front of the theatre. And he began his lecture, "Ladies and Gents! So we had a great lecture on Wednesday... ... How drugs are derived from modern chemicals." It was only then it hit me OH SNAP BIO'S AT 11AM.

Damn silly. I don't know what on earth was going on in my head that whole time. Bio lectures have always been at 11am, even last sem.

Anyway, I'm tempted to buy the shit list tabs. Naiseee.

On a completely random note, it's funny how catty and bitchy mean the same thing. Like fat chance and slim chance. mm yea irony.

SO now it's 10.47 and I should leave soon for my bio lecture for real.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

an enjoyable squander

One day when I'm in a spendthrift mood, I'll buy these.

alone time

I totally agree with brenda about needing to be alone sometimes. When I want to be alone and I'm not, I can feel my blood pressure rising.


Oh yea and today someone brought a seeing-eye puppy to psych lecture. It was a black lab with really really glossy fur. OMG IT WAS SO ADORABLE I WANT TO SQUISH IT. AHHHH DAMN CUTE.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


time past

I'm only halfway through the second week of sem 2 but it feels like I've been here for a month! The best thing is that I'm already falling behind in terms of homework. Yea man, I didn't do my calc homework problems and suddenly I find that I'm two pages behind. Deceptively little, but trust me, it's not.

I actually used my postits today! They have been thoroughly neglected for a long time and though their purposes served now are far more mundane, I'm sure they still appreciate being used at all.

Hrm hrm there are 3 other trinity people in my psych tute. I really didn't see that coming.

Bio tute tmr. Hope my tutor is awesome.