Saturday, January 30, 2010

I want a pair of gold-framed aviators with rose/pink lenses. hmm.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


"I'm going to name my daughter conceiso"

haha karyn I think your hearing is starting to fail you again (dying pig!)
I'm so smart. I missed 40 minutes of the 1 hour of american idol last night.

So I was in time to catch the youtube guy and the corbin bleu hair guy. I like Katy Perry as a judge (:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

9 43pm according to my com and poor mum is still at work.

I watched the noose just now. SO RETARDED. Gosh.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

like the hair
I just watched project runway season 7 episode 2! omg look at these dresses.

They're all made from potato sacks. That's right, burlap bags. Jay (the black dress) won! Hurray for gay asian designers!
This is what I call seeing stars.

omg I'm so bored I'm looking at photos of people and their coloured contacts. I NEED TO GET A LIFE.

Oh yea and I saw this a couple of days back. It bothered me. I've never seen such a demonic-looking angmoh child before.

I baked today (: mmm chocolate cookies with white and milk chocolate chips.
Yesterday was an epic day with wifey. mmm mof double chocolate frappe is niceeeeee (:

We made a nuisance of ourselves at mof with wifey opening sarah's present.

And then we made a nuisance of ourselves when we went to find the toilet. The toilet sign led us to this wall with a door and this small round thing next to it that I thought was a hole in the wall. wifey was screaming "IT'S CANDID CAMERA" and "SHIT I'M IN SCHOOL UNIFORM". People were giving us weird stares because obviously, it wasn't candid camera, it was a shortcut across the roof so that you don't have to walk through the entire mall again. Note to Carmen: When there's a sign on a door saying "Please keep closed at all times", it means to close it after you walk through it.

After that we went to diva, and wifey saw this heart-shaped pendant and yelled "OMG IT'S A LOCKET." We tried to open it then the sales lady, with a rather bemused expression on her face, said "oh it doesn't open, it's just like that."

When we were leaving we saw MR ANG. And wifey said "EH IT'S MR ANG" really loudly. Mr Ang (not deaf) turned around and gave us this weird feeble wave with his mouth open.

And then we ran into claire and friend.
"huh gell?"
"geow? are you like thai or something?"

And then we ran into hazel and friend.
*insert girlish squeals*

Apart from the mof thing, the rest all happened within the same epic half hour.

I love you wifey <3

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sleepover at cuzzie's! GOSH. First time in years! We made cupcakes with rather watery icing and cool purple gel, kind of messed up the kitchen along the way oops :\ Have you ever smelt a real rotten egg? It's bad. Really bad. Ew. Hi cuzzie thanks for having me over I had lots of fun (:

ahh this keeps popping randomly into my head and I can't get it out.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Years of thinking I was allergic to it, I can actually eat this stuff. I feel so cheated!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

serene: not exclusively (:
brenda/karyn: yes major looks like it. who knows, maybe she'll surprise us.
carmen: she has nice hair ):

AND TODAY I WATCHED SHERLOCK HOLMES AT LONG LAST AND IT MADE ME SMILE.Shit man, it was pretty damn awesome. I wouldn't mind watching it again, just like New York I Love You. Jude Law and Robert Downey were good. Didn't like Rachel McAdams so much. Her acting was a little flat in comparison to them. I applaud Robert Downey's accent! I still haven't watched tropic thunder and heard his aussie-acting-black accent. And omg, he's so buff it's scary. Like carmen.

New York I Love You was awesome! Wow facial hair makes me not recognise people. srsly. Justin Bartha looked so un-cute in the movie ): But it was still a good movie, worth watching even at $10. Next city is Shang Hai I believe.

Friday, January 15, 2010

I measured my heels because I have nothing better to do with my life. The ones I bought with brenda are 5 1/4 inches high, 3 3/4 if you exclude the platform in the front. My sec 4 prom heels are 4 inches tall but without the platform it's 3 inches. Gosh it's amazing what a difference 3/4 of an inch makes on your LEG ACHES.

A long digression:
After reading a couple of other people's blogs, I realise that 99.9999999999% of my blog posts are completely frivolous and meaningless in comparison to theirs. An obvious example of such vacuity that is my life and writing would be the above paragraph. It's not as though I do these time-wasting things and consciously think, "oh, I should like totally blog about this so that like the world will like know like how killer my heels are." Surely the world doesn't care how high or low my heels are. But basically, my life caters well to this sort of blogging. I don't have any existential dilemmas to solve or love proclamations to make. At least not for now.

The more I think about it, the more I'm kind of dreading uni? Because of the essays. Hoards of serious writing with no room for the invention of fairytales involving a dragon swallowing a village hero and his shimmering sword. I need to start writing outside of assignments and my blog. SERIOUSLY. omg. but I trust that the procrastinator in me will never allow such a thing.

And now back to the topic of heels. In that picture was Suri Cruise. Wow she really looks like her mum. There was some hooha over Suri's heels. Some people say that she's too young to be wearing heels etc etc. She's like.. 3 and a half now? And just look at the number of cosmetic products in that pink bag of hers (left picture). Here's another picture of her, looking kind of drug addicty, which is pretty freaky. She's like I WANT BRAINSSSSSSS.
Anyway, I'm kind of indifferent as to whether kids should wear heels or not. Their business. Or their parents business. I only wish I was as cute and as fashionable as Suri when I was a kid! Instead of being stuck with fugly childhood pictures now! GOSH my ugly kid phase seemed to last forever!
american idol!

From the boston auditions I liked maddy/maddie (the one with the down's syndrome brothers) and the cancer guy is an awesome singer. Oh yea and the 16 year old portuguese girl who sang At Last was pretty good.

Atlanta auditions I liked the church guy. That's about it. HAHA. The rest who tried out were pretty forgettable. The 62 year old at the end was hilariousssss. PANTS ON THE FLOOR.

I FEEL HAPPY BECAUSE I GOT A LETTER OF OFFER FROM ANU FOR BACHELOR OF PSYCHOLOGY. It's a good thing I'm not going there though cos the orientation starts on 8 feb, which means I would miss cny. Oh yea and it's in Canberra. There's nothing to do in Canberra. Maybe talk to Kevin Rudd. But nope, nothing of interest.

And ANU replied so late wth. The letter of offer is dated 14 jan and I have 6 weeks to accept the offer, ie. after term starts -.- damn slow ah these people.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


and epic.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

omg I never noticed that there was a smiley beneath my tagboard.

Okay not anymore. heehee.

I went to the ac open house today! Met karyn and eugenie and jan and felice. Jan called me a jerk and whacked me :( cos I didn't tell her I was back/that I was going for the open house.


sorry brenda I didn't take a photo of her for you haha. next time.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

oops been forgetting to title my posts

Hello world, much to your disappointment, I haven't died yet.

Turkey was gorgeous and brimming with culture. Pretty much the opposite of Singapore. I was kind of sad about leaving because it felt like I hadn't had a chance to properly explore the plaec yet. But ah well, there can always be a next time. Since I am plagued by jetlag and the human disease commonly known as sloth, I am not going to post any photos. Besides I haven't uploaded them either because they're mostly on my mum's camera (due to a mundane story you needn't know).

I lost my earphones. Annoying.

I have a lot of clothes that I don't wear often I realise. Dresses in particular. I counted. I have 10 dresses hanging in my wardrobe and there are 3 of them which I have never worn out before. The rest I've only worn once or twice with the exception of my $18 chinatown dress which I think I have worn 3 or more times.


hm hm hm I've had bon jovi's livin on a prayer stuck in my head for the past two days. And everytime I hear the word fireflies, the song automatically starts playing in my head and it WON'T STOP. I'm so sick of the song. I heard it like.. 3 times in Turkey. TURKEY. And bad romance. RA RA GA GA .