Saturday, May 29, 2010

go gu ma

I just watched 2 episodes of we got married. No brenda, unfortunately not the gain one but the seohyun/yonghwa one. It was soooooo hilarious. Ahhhh Jung Yong Hwa is damn sweet. I'm starting to fangirl omg this is not good


immensely full from brunch at frausss. I had a parmesan and herb and prosciutto and rocket leaves and egg and avocado galette with this awesome sweet and sour relish. It was pretty large and it didn't help that I was being fed bits of other people's crepes and galettes to try as well. Managed to finish it in the end though, with help from pig. I shared an apple cinnamon hot chocolate with pig too. I'm not really a big fan of cinnamon but this was really really good.

After lunch I accompanied biscuit to vic market and we took the scenic route home. ON THE WAY WE FOUND 99CENTS CANS OF YEO'S SO I BOUGHT SOYA BEAN MILK AND CHRYSANTHEMUM TEA (proof of deprivation!). Anyway the walk back was really pleasant because it was breezy but not too cold and all the leaves are now glorious shades of yellow and red. Now I have to study.


wifey: maybe she became a bitch because she got offered money? or maybe she didn't realise that he would actually be killed, but just become weak?

OMG today was the last day of sem (techincally yesterday since it's now 2 46am). Okay well it wasn't particularly exciting or anything. I think time passed too fast for it to really sink in. I'm really going to miss my calculus lecturer though! I'm going to miss my bio tutor too.

And we celebrated biscuit's birthday! I had steak and tuscan chicken and risotto for dinner, then ice cream at freddo's, then brunetti ricotto and nutella cheesecake. AND I'm going to fraus for brunch in about 7 hours.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


wifey: maybe she means she loved him initially and then decided to be a total bitch and kill him.

Oh yea and you know going through your tumblr is such a difficult thing because it's inundated with hunger-inducing food photos and jealousy-invoking photos of girls with hot legs and nice hair HAHA.

Shit u Need 2 Learn How 2 Spel

So I showed this to a friend and she went "huh isn't it tourette syndrome". Like omg is that not why I'm showing it to you HAHA.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


thanks twin (:

jack and rose

“I named my ipod ‘The Titanic’ so everytime i plug in my ipod to the computer, it says ‘The Titanic is syncing’ ”

read this on piak's tumblr and lmao-ed.


sousaphones are cool


good luck

In fact, not good luck. GREAT luck. I went out to buy some stuff for my friend's birthday and on my way back, I got stuck waiting really long at a traffic light. Then just as the lights were about to change, a lovely little bird flew buy and freaking SHAT ON THE PRESENT. Not to mention the shit JUMPED off the present and SPLATTERED my white dry-clean-only coat. SIGH. Anyway, I managed to clean it off and the present didn't get dirtied (just the receipt) so all's well that end's well.

Oh yea another thing. I got back my psych essays yesterday. I'm so confused seriously. When I produce a piece of work that I think is decent, I always get way lower than I expect to. But every time I hand in an assignment that I think I'm going to fail, it comes back with marks way higher than I would ever have dreamed. I got a h3 for my Mueck essay, thoroughly disappointing, and I got a h2a for the sunset essay, which I was pretty sure was just bullshit all the way through. So an average of h2b, which is very... average.

Monday, May 24, 2010

it's cruel

to have to get out of a warm bed on a cold morning.

to have to walk to class in the cold, wind and rain.

to have to sit through another 3 hours of class followed by a 1 hour research questionnaire.

to have to get back psych assignments on a drowsy Monday evening.


I went to bed at 1 last night and woke up at 8. 7 hours is a decent amount of sleep but GOSH do I feel tired. I have no idea how I survived sc, waking up at 5 45 everyday. And considering I didn't even sleep that late, seems like everyone else has natural caffeine or something. twin and xk how on earth did you guys survive on 3 hours of sleep a night?

Sunday, May 23, 2010


So cold that my hands are too stiff to write properly

numb is the new deep

I've been listening to John Mayer on earphones for the past couple of hours (bad for my ears I know). It puts you in a kind of relaxed happiness. Feels awesome (:

Saturday, May 22, 2010

and by future I mean now

I love you wifey! (:

I couldn't resist. It's far more entertaining than reading journal articles about how 12 year olds were given questionnaires to ascertain their band practice strategies.


I was so sick of my old blogskin. I want to change the photos though --------->
But I really don't feel like searching for new ones now. And as you may have noticed, I don't normally title my posts and now there's this gaping blank at the head of every post just screaming out to be filled in. I think I may just delete the title space.

You know there've been so many times when I've just felt like deleting all my old posts. But I decide against it so that I can, at some point in the future, reread them and cringe at my horrendous writing and the unbelievable triviality of they were about.
so totally becoming a cnblue fan. awesome songs and live performances, as if jung yonghwa wasn't enough to begin with haha.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm stressing myself out by procrastinating. I keep putting off doing my essay and studying, then I think about the deadlines closing in on me and I start to freak out. Then I try to avoid thinking about it, which means I go slack off and leave my work to do another time. A rather unfortunate vicious cycle.
So I checked my uni email yesterday and got this email from my bio lecturer titled "Important 141 exam information"

G'day 141 students,

Key information for the exam is contained in the following, make sure you
study it.

Best wishes,

* Dr. Rick Wetherbee *
* School of Botany *
* The University of Melbourne *
* VICTORIA, 3010 *

Okay so GO WATCH THE VIDEO. Even if it's just the first 10 seconds. This next part makes more sense that way.

So we were sent another email today.


I hope you all enjoyed the youtube video that I sent the address for
yesterday. It was meant to be some light entertainment with the exams
coming up. However, several have emailed assuming I was serious about the
content of the video being on the exam..........NO, it was just some light
relief - a joke.


* Dr. Rick Wetherbee *
* School of Botany *
* The University of Melbourne *
* VICTORIA, 3010 *

Amusing lecturer. He took like the first few lectures at the beginning of the year and made sound effects when we watched videos of cells.

I'm kind of disturbed by the fact that people actually took it seriously though. That's quite retarded.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I so love buttersafe
I'm revising the immune system now and I think it's slowly turning me into a hypochondriac. Especially after rereading the bits about intestinal parasites.

I had a dream last night that my dad wanted to go skiing in Thailand. Apart from the fact that it's kind of war torn now, I do recall that there isn't any snow there at all.

Okay now back to bio.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Talked to my soon-to-be-wed cousin today! Her wedding's in 20 days, which means my exams are in 22 days. It totally bites that I can't be back for the wedding, seeing as it's the first wedding of our generation in our family (or at least close family).

I was reading my bio notes and managed to read potoroos and bettongs as potatoes and beetroots. Not like I even know what potoroos and bettongs are or what they do apart from eat fungi and help to disperse fungal spores in doing so.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"As I watched my fellow classmates march across the football field, I realized how much they really loved what they were doing. Even when it is freezing cold outside, they will still come and play their instruments because it's what they love to do."

This was in the journal article that I'm trying to plough through. Makes me miss band.
I watched a girl steal a dvd from borders yesterday. I should have done something.

I have to focussss. I keep getting distracted while reading the articles for my music psych essay. And the stupid unimelb super search keeps logging me so quickly.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm so amused that all the most recent "photos of me" are not actually photos of me.
I think love always complicates things.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I love when my roommate and I are happy and high at the same time. All the stupidest, craziest stuff comes out then. My stomach hurts from laughing so much omg.

Monday, May 10, 2010

yes brenda, empathy. funny the way things work out isn't it?
Dear MSS members and music students,

You are hereby cordially invited to Music Cruise. It will occur on 13 May
2010, on the Lady Cutler boat near Shed 9 on Central Pier Docklands, from
7 pm onwards. The theme is Pirates vs Ninjas, and all attendees are
expected to a) be in costume, and b) show off appropriate dance moves.

Tickets are $47 for members, $52 for non members (includes price of
membership). These include 5 x $5 drinks cards. $32 tickets without drinks
cards, but with unlimited soft drink, are also available. Pizza, DJ,
photographer, costumed bar staff and fun times on a boat provided.

Tickets can be bought online at:

Online ticketing is LIVE now, and ends Monday 10 at 4pm.

In person ticketing goes from Mon 3 May to Thurs 6 May from 11-2 in the
Con Foyer. Tickets will also be on sale at Southbank at a date TBC. There
will be a limited number of tickets so book early to avoid being stuck
with a ninja cyborg space pirate costume that you have nowhere to wear.
Because that is just awkward.

Yours sincerely,

Suzanne Zhou
Music Students' Society

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm supposed to be asleep! I was supposed to have been in bed 20 minutes ago! But I'm not! So I'm probably going to crash during music psych tmr morning.

I'm proud to say that I conquered that seemingly unsolvable integration question. And I finished watching season 1 of how I met your mother before that. And proceeded to watch season 2 after that. omg and I'm 3 episodes till the end of big bang theory season 3 (or at least the episodes I have). I haven't started on the 4 seasons of the office yet because I'm sure if I do, my essay will not be done on the 7th of June and I will be leaving tonnes of blanks on my exam papers.

I'm in dire need of froyo.

I'm so amused by the conversation I had with wifey earlier today. (: haha why you jealous!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I've been watching Glee season 2 (it's right after masterchef on thursdays!) and I must say, I really hate Rachel's voice. It's amazingly shrill.

I just finished project runway season 7! I was so sad when my favourite gay got kicked out in the tiebreaker two days before fashion week. But nevermind! Because the finalist that I wanted to win won!

And gosh, I now have to go and find some research about biological motion detection to put on the psych wiki. And I need to figure out how to solve that baffling last question on my calculus assignment. And I need to start on my 2000 word music psych essay, which is due on the first day of exams. And I need to start studying for exams, which are OH SHIT EXACTLY A MONTH AWAY. Someone save meeeeeeee

edit: glee season 1. season 2 is not in existence yet haha.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

exam timetable:
7 June - Psych
8 June - Calculus 1
9 June - Bio (k's birthday!)

from wagyu beef to orianthi and john mayer live to iron man, the excitement of two days have been kind of tmth.
someone tell me why it always ends up like this