Tuesday, May 25, 2010

good luck

In fact, not good luck. GREAT luck. I went out to buy some stuff for my friend's birthday and on my way back, I got stuck waiting really long at a traffic light. Then just as the lights were about to change, a lovely little bird flew buy and freaking SHAT ON THE PRESENT. Not to mention the shit JUMPED off the present and SPLATTERED my white dry-clean-only coat. SIGH. Anyway, I managed to clean it off and the present didn't get dirtied (just the receipt) so all's well that end's well.

Oh yea another thing. I got back my psych essays yesterday. I'm so confused seriously. When I produce a piece of work that I think is decent, I always get way lower than I expect to. But every time I hand in an assignment that I think I'm going to fail, it comes back with marks way higher than I would ever have dreamed. I got a h3 for my Mueck essay, thoroughly disappointing, and I got a h2a for the sunset essay, which I was pretty sure was just bullshit all the way through. So an average of h2b, which is very... average.

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