Saturday, July 31, 2010


cute geek from pvkk.

I FINALLY watched Inception yesterday. It was good, yes, but not as mind-blowing or evocative as I thought it would be? It was sooooo totally like Simon's lectures from last sem. He spent one lecture explaining how we'll never really know if what we perceive is real because all we're ever going to experience is our own reality, which may not be real, then he finished off by telling us not to think too hard about it or the floor might crumble from under us. I'm pretty sure he'd love the film.

Anyway, after taking psychology, I've been spending way too much time pondering the reality of my reality and various other things. I'm particularly distressed that whenever someone mentions a colour, I start thinking non-stop about how words describing colour are so arbitrary and we'll never really know if you and I see red the same way. Maybe if you were in my head, the particular wavelength of light that you call "red" is perceived by me as what you call "purple" because "red" is just a label. And then, this train of thought leads me on to how language in general is arbitrary and how amazing it is that we can understand any words at all because to explain words, we use other words. And the train doesn't stop there! It just keeps chugging on steadily deeper into the tangles of the unknown unless I intentionally stop thinking about it. URGH life is all academia now.

SO after Inception and dinner and bridge and 3-people bridge and a really long reminisce about school days, I got back to my place at 6am. Roomie and I wanted to stay up for the sunrise and see the hot air balloons so we played 2-people bridge until the sky started getting bright. But then we realised that there was too much cloud cover to see anything much then went to sleep at about 7 15am. And now it's 2am! I'm going to crash soon srsly. Good night.

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