Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Okay so a bit about china now. Expo! Of all the pavilions I saw, I liked the Spanish one the most. It featured Nadal HAHA (but that's just a btw thing. they had really innovative film displays). The Singapore one, unfortunately, was immensely boring. I swear, it's embarrassing to acknowledge being Singaporean after seeing it.

Let's examine the flaws shall we?
a) The facade
It was grey and round with weird shafts sticking out of it. My sis said it looked like giant sim cards. The pavilion guide said that the pavilion was supposed to look like a music box and the shafts were the little metal thingies that make the sound. I have to say, my sister's description seemed more apt. Apart from failing to be please aesthetically, I don't think a music box particularly represents Singapore.

b) The inside
So little effort seemed to be put into it. On the second floor of the pavilion, they put up these really plain tiny signs which stated Singapore's GDP and proportion of nitrogen in the air over the years. SC open house looked so good compared to that. And they had these strange small projections on the ground of things like the merlion and whatever, but they were too small for anyone to see clearly so it was just really ugly and dumb.

c) The propaganda
One entire section of the first floor of the pavilion was dedicated to DBS.
Oh and the best thing was the 8 minute video of mm talking about how Singapore is "The City from the Sky" because of our water shortage and blah blah rain blah blah singapore river blah blah clarke quay blah blah people urinated in lifts blah blah world class citizens blah blah. Seriously, this is not going to impress ANYONE. AT ALL. EVER. NO WAY.

The only thing nice at the Singapore pavilion was the roof garden. But even that wasn't enough to redeem the rest of it.

I saw the Iran pavilion, a bit of the African pavilion and also the Italian one. Obviously Italy was impressive with all their fashion showcases (all the armani, versace, prada) and the vespas and ferraris and they had a wall of pasta! There was pasta shaped like lions and elephants and turtles and there was pasta shaped like trains and cars and boats. Too cute too cute.

Okay now I must tell you about the most retarded thing ever. I stayed at some posh posh hotel on my last night in shanghai. 6 stars apparently but cos my dad had a discount, we were paying less than half the rack rate. So while my dad was checking my family in, I went to the toilet in the lobby. As I walked towards the cubicle, the toilet lid suddenly flung open energetically and lit up with a kind of eerie glow. I got such a shock I screamed and ran out of the cubicle. My sis just gave me the "why are you screaming haven't you seen this kind of toilet before" look. Anyway, yarh so I'm a country bumpkin who hasn't seen expensive toilets before.

Then when we got to the hotel room, I went to wash my feet. There were two shower heads, one movable one and one fixed to the ceiling. I didn't realise that the same knob controlled BOTH the shower heads. So when I was turning off the water to the movable one, I turned it a little too far the other way and the fixed shower head soaked my entire back with icy cold water. Yes, evidently I do not belong in posh places that use posh bathroom fixtures.

I finally watched toy story 3! Though I missed the first 10 minutes or so because of inefficient crowd control at cine. It was awesome. I love El Buzzo.

what would I do without the AWC seriously.

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