Thursday, July 29, 2010

The World in Six Songs

Hurrah I've started reading my prescribed text for Music & Health. And I've gotten up to page 7 WOW. I stopped something like 10 times trying to get there. GOSH I'M SO ADD. It's by Daniel Levitin too which is quite cool since I've actually heard of him and read his other book (though I didn't finish it because I left it in Singapore for my dad. I think I left 1 and a half chapters unread). It's actually really interesting, but I really have issues with reading books.

Omg and I'm so smart. I walked into a freaking physics for biomed lecture today thinking it was my calc 2 lecture and sat down. Can't blame me though! My previous two calc lectures were there and it's really easy to misread Redmond Barry as Richard Berry okay. Not to mention ALL of my classes apart from psych and bio lectures are held at either Berry or Barry. By the end of my 4th year, I'll be really sick of Redmond Barry cos the entire psych department is housed in floors 7-12 or smth like that.

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