Friday, December 31, 2010


This is so lame. Posting like 5 minutes after my previous post?

I just stared at my clock till it turned from 11:59 to 12:00. Then I heard my neighbours cheer and now fireworks keep going in the distance (I can hear them not see them). Ah well, now that I've welcomed the new year listening to 方大同 I can go to sleep and hope to wake up with full hp.

a couple more minutes

I was going to write that 2010 was a pretty boring blah year but then I realised that it was rather eventful. Despite time passing so quickly, the beginning of the year somehow seems so distant in memory, longer than a year anyway. I'm not going to spend much longer reflecting on 2010 because it's now 11.40pm. I had a good dinner with the family. Good food and red wine that I actually liked wow. Anyway, alcohol really puts me to sleep. I have finally found my long sought-after cure to insomnia.

2011 has surreptitiously crept up on me. I swear, it seemed so far away and now it's grabbing me by the neck and trying to shake me back into reality. A lot of big change to handle but I'll write about that another time.

Isn't it unfortunate that I spent the last day of 2010 being a mute? And I'm probably going to spend the first day of 2011 mute too.

Friday, December 24, 2010


wow her fans

new love

now stuck in my head! kar what would my itunes and I do without you!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

eighteen and up

Today I went out with a lobster, a semi-cooked whale, an oyster boy and my jaundiced boyfriend, always the recipe for amusement. My jaundiced boyfriend gave me the most marvelous mixtape ever you are awesome and amazing.

Acting Christmas elf for my family. Been spending most of my time at home wrapping presents. Urgh. Also had to help my mum buy presents, which was a bit of a headache. Still wrapping presents now. Gosh. Got many more to go.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

in lieu

I spent a lot of today feeling thankful for the people around me still being around me.

Rapunzel with my dear foty. Good movie, great animation, fantastic soundtrack. I NEVER KNEW THAT ZACHARY LEVI COULD SING. But I guess if ke$ha can, anyone can. foty and I agree that there were some bits that would be a bit freaky for kids.

Narniaaaaa! Quite heart warming as usual but somehow missing the oomph of the previous movie. It was way eerie too though, especially with all the deatheater fog. If I was a kid I would probably have had nightmares for a week. foty and twin said that it was really different from the books. Kind of glad I haven't read them (not that I'd remember much even if I did). I loved Eustace's lines. So tart, so English. Found myself rolling my eyes at some of Aslan's lines, mainly because the references were totally unsubtle (and I'm so totally unreligious). Ben Barnes is still as good-looking as ever, possibly better.

I was wrapping christmas presents just now and I left the pricetags on 2 bloody hell. I realised (amazingly, thank goodness) and had to unwrap and rewrap them. It happened the other day as well with ALL the presents I wrapped -.- This is how you spell LOSER.

Speaking of Christmas gifts, my mum got me BOTH a coach wallet and bag for my birthday/christmas gift. Kind of shocked. She's becoming increasingly generous with her budget and it makes me feel quite shitty cos I spend a lot of her money on a regular basis anyway and I don't need her to buy me stuff like this :( I'd be happy even if she bought me cupcake tins or cookie sheets (which I would like too hoho). I told my mum that it was a rather large sum for a present and she said that altogether it's slightly more ex than my sister's christmas present and mine's birthday/christmas so it's okay. I suppose she was trying to be fair. urghurgh when I landed I actually told her I don't need a christmas present and the zara jacket could be my birthday present. I need to finish studying quickly and make lots of money and give my mum big birthday angpaos every year. After I get married (that's a total 'if') I will give her big cny angpaos too.

I need to relish these last 9 days I have of being 17 because I'll never be 17 again (no zefron reference intended). Youth is slipping away like a raging river.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


if only this were real!

top shot

Today I spent 11 am - 5.15 pm watching Top Shot. So that was the beginning of the competition till the penultimate episode. I am a total sloth. Urgh okay I just spoilt the final for myself. Very smart :(

I'm going to make my family blueberry buttermilk pancakes for breakfast so I should sleep soon.

And so tonight I leave you with a little Sara Bareilles. Practically all her songs have become my new earworms :(

Saturday, December 11, 2010



tech gen

Dad just got an iphone 4.

Mum says, "It's a sad day when you get replaced by an iphone. Previously, your only competition was other women. Then, at some time other men, and now it's electronics. So you either have to find your own electronic solace or something else to amuse yourself."

Mum also says, "It's always good to have female friends to talk to and confide in. Don't believe all that rubbish about a man becoming the light of your life and all that. Your soul mate may not be a man. Sure he may be your mate in some other ways, but not necessarily your soul mate. Your soul mate may in fact turn out to be female!"

Okay all that was just approximate recollection but you get the gist. Mum is quite amusing. And at the same time, doesn't that just make so much sense? (the latter anyway)

Brunch with my masked pasar malam friends. Today's yakun teh c was disappointing :( We were all so stoned and itchy bitchy and amazed by cheap stuff. OH YAH LOVES I MADE IT IN TIME TO THE COOKING CLASS YAY

Moving on to my sinful dinner of 5 different foie gras dishes!
  • Grilled foie gras with apple and celeriac FAVOURITE
  • Pan-seared foie gras with corn
  • Foie gras and porcini pasta
  • Terrine
  • Salt-cured
That seriously makes up for all the cost of the cooking class in the first place. Mum and I didn't eat a lot but gosh foie gras is damn fatty and thus damn filling. We drank warm 菊花茶 after coming home in attempt to dissolve the fats. It helped a bit. A bit.

It's thundering and lightning-ing outside though not yet raining. Should I close the windows or not? Dilemma!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

late night shows

Why is there so much sex and nudity in dexter! :( And Deb really pisses me off! She swears way too much and she gets so worked up about nothing. Seriously her outbursts are always so uncalled for. And who goes into the homicide department and yells "I WAS WITH MY BOYFRIEND. WE FUCKED IN HIS OFFICE" for everyone to hear?! AND SHE'S NOT EVEN THAT HOT OR PRETTY. Gosh she just ruins that show.


Juliet, Naked

Cue the fanfare, I finally finished reading my book! I think this is better than High Fidelity (the last Horby I read), maybe just because the context is more recent. Next read: How to be Good (so that I can say I've read all his novels. yea man cos I'm a loser like that).

I've also been meaning to read Infinite Jest. Perhaps I should start on that first. I'll go hunt it down in Melbourne.

Just took my first batch of blueberry polenta cupcakes out of the oven! Can't wait to try them after they cool! Last night I made mince for the mince pies for my family Christmas gathering and tried it this morning after adding the brandy and it was awesomeeee. Brandy is good. As you can see, I've been spending a lot of my free time making myself and the people around me grow fat.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dress Codes

Was surfing random sites and came across this:

Dress codes in pubs (enforced by braindeads on the door) are ridiculous. By this measure, Hitler and Goering would have been admitted (always well dressed, shiny boots) but Jesus and Gandhi would have been refused entry.

So true. But Jesus could make his own wine anyway. Sorry Gandhi, tough luck.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Oh yah yesterday when I went to "run" I saw a really pretty tortoise shell cat! AND ALL THAT I COULD THINK ABOUT WAS FRIGGIN' XIST LOCUS AND INACTIVATION.

Today was an awesome omnomnom day! I had pig intestines, tofu, oyster omelette (didn't eat the oyster though) and sambal sweet potato leaves for lunch. Sam lou hor fun for dinner. yummms. I also made honey granola cupcakes! I stacked them too early though so they are kind of flat :( more scone-ish than cupcake-ish. They taste good though! AND HEALTHY. GOT LOW-FAT YOGURT BROWN SUGAR AND GRANOLA INSIDE!
sometimes shocked by how little you know me.
I'm watching Dexter. It's creepy. But addictive.

Grocery Stores


Friday, December 3, 2010

eye bags

Running this morning was so fail. I strolled to the canal then ran something like 10m before I started strolling again. At random points of my stroll I attempted picking up the pace again but these sporadic bursts were extremely short-lived. All in all, my fitness level is approximately zero.

Apart from fitness fail, skin fail. Forever fail no matter what I do. Life is unfair.

Also, Chinese fail. At dinner, I said 四季豆 but the waitress heard 狮子头. Imagine my (and my dad's) surprise when a bowl of meatballs was brought to the table. Granted, the waitress was an elderly shanghainese with heavily accented mandarin. But still, how shameful.

HAHA OH AND BRENDA CONVERSATION FAIL. You and your trademark spammage of the word "shit".

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

asians speak english?!?!!

yea man I'm always somewhat bemused and amused when people are so incredibly impressed by asians speaking english. I remember last year this tourist asked me for directions to lygon and looked so flabbergasted when I responded haha.

Anyway, I'm really bored and my first download of glee was some crap file so I have to re-download it and thus I am passing time by rewatching super old community channel vids. I also watched some shane dawson, michelle phan and kevjumba. Oh and a bit of move media but they kind of bored me to death.

Last night on my way back, when I got of the train at clementi, I suddenly felt kind of sad (lennon's ns heaviness spreading). I'm really going to miss my neighbourhood after spending the past 9 years of my life living here, well sort of, anyway. Coming back to visit is never really the same as living in the place. Kind of hard to believe that my parents are really going to move to London. Holiday plans are probably going to be pretty screwed up after that, but it's okay, I'll work through it. My mum's pretty hyped up about being able to go to the US and europe more easily so I will probably be visiting places other than CHINA for family vacations. Not bad having 3 homes.

I am a jealous girl

The love-hate relationship with lookbook. These people's photos are always so gorgeous, as are their clothes (the root of the problem).