Saturday, December 11, 2010

tech gen

Dad just got an iphone 4.

Mum says, "It's a sad day when you get replaced by an iphone. Previously, your only competition was other women. Then, at some time other men, and now it's electronics. So you either have to find your own electronic solace or something else to amuse yourself."

Mum also says, "It's always good to have female friends to talk to and confide in. Don't believe all that rubbish about a man becoming the light of your life and all that. Your soul mate may not be a man. Sure he may be your mate in some other ways, but not necessarily your soul mate. Your soul mate may in fact turn out to be female!"

Okay all that was just approximate recollection but you get the gist. Mum is quite amusing. And at the same time, doesn't that just make so much sense? (the latter anyway)

Brunch with my masked pasar malam friends. Today's yakun teh c was disappointing :( We were all so stoned and itchy bitchy and amazed by cheap stuff. OH YAH LOVES I MADE IT IN TIME TO THE COOKING CLASS YAY

Moving on to my sinful dinner of 5 different foie gras dishes!
  • Grilled foie gras with apple and celeriac FAVOURITE
  • Pan-seared foie gras with corn
  • Foie gras and porcini pasta
  • Terrine
  • Salt-cured
That seriously makes up for all the cost of the cooking class in the first place. Mum and I didn't eat a lot but gosh foie gras is damn fatty and thus damn filling. We drank warm 菊花茶 after coming home in attempt to dissolve the fats. It helped a bit. A bit.

It's thundering and lightning-ing outside though not yet raining. Should I close the windows or not? Dilemma!

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