Tuesday, December 14, 2010

in lieu

I spent a lot of today feeling thankful for the people around me still being around me.

Rapunzel with my dear foty. Good movie, great animation, fantastic soundtrack. I NEVER KNEW THAT ZACHARY LEVI COULD SING. But I guess if ke$ha can, anyone can. foty and I agree that there were some bits that would be a bit freaky for kids.

Narniaaaaa! Quite heart warming as usual but somehow missing the oomph of the previous movie. It was way eerie too though, especially with all the deatheater fog. If I was a kid I would probably have had nightmares for a week. foty and twin said that it was really different from the books. Kind of glad I haven't read them (not that I'd remember much even if I did). I loved Eustace's lines. So tart, so English. Found myself rolling my eyes at some of Aslan's lines, mainly because the references were totally unsubtle (and I'm so totally unreligious). Ben Barnes is still as good-looking as ever, possibly better.

I was wrapping christmas presents just now and I left the pricetags on 2 bloody hell. I realised (amazingly, thank goodness) and had to unwrap and rewrap them. It happened the other day as well with ALL the presents I wrapped -.- This is how you spell LOSER.

Speaking of Christmas gifts, my mum got me BOTH a coach wallet and bag for my birthday/christmas gift. Kind of shocked. She's becoming increasingly generous with her budget and it makes me feel quite shitty cos I spend a lot of her money on a regular basis anyway and I don't need her to buy me stuff like this :( I'd be happy even if she bought me cupcake tins or cookie sheets (which I would like too hoho). I told my mum that it was a rather large sum for a present and she said that altogether it's slightly more ex than my sister's christmas present and mine's birthday/christmas so it's okay. I suppose she was trying to be fair. urghurgh when I landed I actually told her I don't need a christmas present and the zara jacket could be my birthday present. I need to finish studying quickly and make lots of money and give my mum big birthday angpaos every year. After I get married (that's a total 'if') I will give her big cny angpaos too.

I need to relish these last 9 days I have of being 17 because I'll never be 17 again (no zefron reference intended). Youth is slipping away like a raging river.

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