Saturday, January 31, 2009

I've been spending my time watching avatar as some of you already know. I've officially finished the series but I still have some in between episodes that I haven't seen yet.

ANYWAY, they're making an avatar movie, The Last Airbender. And the angsty kid below, Zuko

is going to be played by Jesse McCartney.

And this guy, Sokka

is being played by none other than Jackson Rathborne aka Jasper Hale.

heh I'm sure you can tell I'm bored.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

whoa playing with my cousins is tiring.

last night, I wiled away my time letting my almost-6-year-old cousin, Leon, put my chinese to shame. He knew what HELICOPTER was in chinese. omg I haven't used chinese in months so I didn't understand half of what he was saying to me (he was trying to tell me what superpower I had to use to defeat the bad guy who shot poison arrows or something along those lines and I couldn't use laser beams because they were his power and I didn't have it??) To make matters worse, he can switch between english, german and chinese with no problem at all. SHEESH. He's a major star wars fanatic and so I let him play some star wars game online and he was singing along to the music.

today, in the middle of lunch, Leon randomly started singing the star wars theme again. Half of lunch was spent running around with him and his sister and carrying them and making sure they didn't get lost somewhere and so on so forth. It was pretty fun I suppose. But omg, so tiring. This is probably the most exercise I've gotten since our last pe lesson.

Anyway, kids' imaginations are really amazing. It's so cool how they make anything out of nothing. I wonder why we outgrow them. My imagination is so much more limited than it used to be. Isn't that sad?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Have you read today's classifieds? okay stupid question. No one reads the classifieds.

Recognise something?

Check out the photo in the centre.

haha pardon carmen's poorly written message. Apparently the papers edited the message bits of it like the "depart with each other" part so it sounds like a CERTAIN teacher's english.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm a total pineapple tart addict. I ate like half a big bottle of them today. omg my arteries are going to get CLOGGED.

Have I told you that the purple dye runs when I wash my hair? It's like my hair's bleeding anaemic light pink blood.

Sarah made me watch a westlife video. seasons in the sun. one of their MOST imaginative videos of all time I swear. Anyway, I'm so entertained by the uptown girl video! omg it's so cheesy haha!

Okay so now uptown girl has joined the ranks among touch my body and you're beautiful as "songs I can't listen to with a straight face". If you haven't watched the touch my body (tuts my barreh) video, go watch it. Unless you like the song, in which case watching would be a bad idea. And the muttons totally ruined you're beautiful haha.

Oh yea the new discovery ad song is really nice although it does get repetitive. Wonders Never Cease by Morcheeba.

Friday, January 23, 2009

My hair is now super purple, ultra violet if you will. It looks pretty cool. Better than green/grey anyway. In dimmer light, it looks almost like I dyed it back but in the sun it's a blindingly brilliant shade of violet.

I think Leneshe Young who auditioned on ai last night was really cool! I like her voice. And the guy who simon said sounded like elliott yamin, forgot his name.

OH YEAH KARYN. I just remembered that npi meant no pun intended. Don't know why I wrote that anyway..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm really sad.

But putting that aside for now, thank goodness american idol hired Kara DioGuardi. She's the only one on the panel besides Simon Cowell who has an actual opinion which she is able to express coherently.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Carmen says, "I ate scones and they were really dry and they broke up into pebbles" and "I need braces that give me an english accent so that I can talk to brenda"

Actually carmen, I don't think you'll have any trouble talking to brenda. I finally saw brenda online (on facebook) and she said, "singapore's a really small room *SMALL COUNTRY! SMALL COUNTRY OMG i can't believe i said/typed that"

So I watched Changeling with carmen today. It's good but OMG it's a freaking sad movie. Corruption, deceit, psychopathic murders, this movie's got it all. The most disturbing thing about the movie was the fact that this was based on a true story. Take for example the serial killer in the film, he's based on the real killer. And the real killer was the result of incest committed by his grandfather against his mother and he was sexually abused by his entire family as a child. No wonder he went around committing those crimes he did. So scary isn't it?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Today I'm HAPPY :D:D:D:D:D I GOT MY MACBOOK. WHOO. YEAH. AND I finally managed to defeat the last boss on the hell stage of doukutsu so I'm HAPPY :D If you're free and damn bored go play the game. It's quite fun. I want to try the wii version.

I'm sitting in half darkness. One of two lights in my study refuses to switch on properly, it's like halfheartedly glowing dimly. Oh yea and I'm not using my macbook right now so I can't possibly move to another place. I can totally feel my eyes degenerating by the second.

I think probably will not be able to retain my current number to use when I come back during the hols. That kind of sucks. big time.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thank you brenda very much for your paragraph of kind words and the photo of nadal (though I don't actually care much for him. could have done without it haha. he's just cool cos he plays lefthanded and pisses serene off :D hi twin I still love you). Have fun in school on monday! Don't forget to put in 100hours of work next week!

I've got some trinity briefing on monday so I get to meet some other students(finally).

I'm so sleepy. Good night.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My mum thought I watched "Chinkoh goes to China" today. Wonderful.

Anyway, in all bollywood tradition, it's quite draggy. The plot is very convoluted and predictable but you know, it's 2 hours 40 minutes of sidesplitting laughter so it's completely bearable. The lead actor looks like borat before he shaves of his stache and the lead actress is really hot haha. Go watch it. Meow Meow.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ellen is so funny

Jaden Smith is so precocious! Skip to 0:45 unless you wish to sit through an excerpt from the day the earth stood still.

Omg guess where my tuan yuan fan is going to be. CHANGI AIRPORT TERMINAL 3. How retarded is that! SERIOUSLY.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

mehhhhh I'm so miffed right now. I lost my peace ring somewhere on my way home ): At least it was relatively cheap.

aww brenda's now somewhere halfway around the world. I don't think she's landing for another hour plus. I'm already missing you foty! I hope you read my letter. The horse-themed stickers are so cute right? It's super old as you probably can tell cos the glue is kinda dried up and it won't stick properly anymore. I believe it was from the time in primary school when my mum used to reward me with stickers if I did well. Omg that's even older than the 2002 postcard that's in there too. oh and BRENDA YOU LIAR. YOU DIDN'T CRY! haha. I hope I have a tearless farewell too though.

My sense of time was screwed up today because it disrupted the long chain of days before this of waking up when the sun was full in the sky. By the time it was 2 it felt like it was 5. I'm so tired now. In fact, I think I never really woke up. Or at least my brain didn't. How else can you misplace a ring that's on your finger in plain view. grah.

Monday, January 12, 2009

brenda I'm going to miss you :( see lah! go and listen to incorrect info about trinity and leave me alone to rot at palmerston without allowed use of portable ovens and heaters.

Being told by kind relations that I've done well just makes me feel worse. I haven't done well ENOUGH. Shit lah. So many two's, who knows, may have been one's. I don't know why I've adopted the mentality that straight a's aren't enough but my l1r5 sounds bad either way. bad bad bad. I think I've disappointed myself more than anyone else really. I'm doomed to my life of mediocrity.

freaking hell. thank god for trinity.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I think australia has cool wines. This was on the back of some wine bottle.

The name of the wine? You guessed it BITCH.

and for the twilight fans

oh and this is super clever. Door handles made from recycled forks. There were pendants and cuffs and rings too so I got a cuff for fun.

GRAH I'm not really in the mood to blog. I'm feeling rather nervy about tomorrow. Omg I could just die. All I can imagine right now is a million b3's and b4's. AHHHHH and a c6 for lit. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg. omg.

well I'll see you tomorrow if my stress doesn't eat me alive before that.

my itunes just started playing a christmas song. weird.
Sorry the deadness of my blog over the past week.

I don't have my own money on vacations so I couldn't pay for internet. The broadband in the serviced apartment I stayed at was free but I don't have a laptop to use it anyway. My dad brought his laptop but he was using it all of the time I was free.

Unfortunately I have to control my com use in Melbourne a little more :\
  • Palmerston House provides 2GB of internet access data for each individual user (Username & password provided).
  • Individual quota will be reset every first date of a month.
I can probably get free internet in the school library or something. I hope. But I finish school at 5+. Omg this really bites.

I'll update about my trip another time because I haven't uploaded my photos yet.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


to 2009.

I haven't really given much thought to new year resolutions but I'll try my best to keep to them whatever they may be.

Now for a short 2008 recap.

Quotable quotes:
  • "preferably no sex but definitely no drugs" - mum
  • "I curse you with all the curses I have!" - Jan
  • "nooo don't make them (itachi and sasuke on brenda's psp) fight!" - Shayne
  • "ttm" - Karyn
  • "sexy teddy bear committee!" - Sarah
  • "person S is infertile" - Mel
  • "shen ming xi!" - Sub
  • "some guy had sex with a buffalo's nostril" - Serene
Sadly, I admit can't remember much of the earlier half of the year. SO TOO BAD. And brenda's ad lib vocals for rockband were thoroughly memorable but I don't believe it can be classified as a quotable quote.

I'd put up some of the most memorable photos too but I'm kinda lazy to sieve through every photo to pick out the best. So just go look at everything that's up on facebook.

Love you all. Happy new year.