Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Carmen says, "I ate scones and they were really dry and they broke up into pebbles" and "I need braces that give me an english accent so that I can talk to brenda"

Actually carmen, I don't think you'll have any trouble talking to brenda. I finally saw brenda online (on facebook) and she said, "singapore's a really small room *SMALL COUNTRY! SMALL COUNTRY OMG i can't believe i said/typed that"

So I watched Changeling with carmen today. It's good but OMG it's a freaking sad movie. Corruption, deceit, psychopathic murders, this movie's got it all. The most disturbing thing about the movie was the fact that this was based on a true story. Take for example the serial killer in the film, he's based on the real killer. And the real killer was the result of incest committed by his grandfather against his mother and he was sexually abused by his entire family as a child. No wonder he went around committing those crimes he did. So scary isn't it?

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