Friday, December 5, 2008


We trekked down the road in the searing mid-afternoon heat in search of the elusive riding centre. After a few wrong turns, retracing of our steps and more walking,we finally reached the stables, only to find that we weren't allowed to ride the horses (because there weren't even any horses there, only ponies)! Standing in the sweltering sun, we attempted to flag a cab to get ourselves back to the land of familiarity that is orchard road. Fate seemed against us and about six taxis zoomed passed us without appearing to have noticed us and our outstretched arms. Just as we thought all hopes of getting a cab were lost, A TAXI STOPPED FOR US, finally giving us respite from the mugginess and scorching fervor of the sun.

Okay whatever so not the drama. But SERENE tried to flag a cab that was on the other side of the road and the driver did some weird indeterminable gesture which she insisted meant that he'll u-turn and pick us up. As a result, we didn't take another free taxi which passed us a bit after the first. We waited.. and waited.. and waited but there was no sign of the first cab at all! And brenda and I have to deal with "Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded" on infinite repeat. Eventually the cab did come back WITH SOMEONE ELSE INSIDE. Like OKAY, so much for serene's faith in the cabbie being rewarded.

Anyway thanks for the Obama stuff twin! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Wtf I have an english test on the first day of orientation at trinity. What a warm welcome.

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