Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh look it's past 12. Happy birthday to me :) Thank you to everyone for all your birthday wishes and presents. Thanks for the Christmas wishes and presents in advance too.

Anyway 2gy party was relatively small but really fun anyway :D we watched hsm. yes. HSM. omg. hahaha it was so funny. Then we tried to learn the dance moves from Bop to the Top which was obviously going to be a failure to begin with. And then we(only sarah and farhana actually) attempted to reenact the retarded emo version of What I've Been Looking For, which was also a retarded fail.

Shayne got her ears pierced today! It was all quite funny. You should have seen the look on the salesperson's face when she realised that four of us had come just to give Shayne moral support. And even funnier was the look on the lady's face when she held the marker to Shayne's ear thus initiating Shayne's squealing. "Girl it's just a pen!" read the rest on Shayne's blog.

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