Friday, December 12, 2008

twin, yes phuket does have internet but unfortunately, I had to pay an unreasonably large amount just to use the com for 15 minutes so I chose to forgo it. And I didn't update before I left because there was nothing really to update about unless you wanted another inane post about how bored I was.

My shoulders are sunburnt! Though definitely not as bad as Serene's the other time. And my mum nearly wrenched of my arm and my dad almost caused me to sprain my ankle on the same day. AND at every meal, even when we were indoors, we were either harassed by thousands of houseflies, which were intent on irritating us, or attacked by millions of mosquitoes that had serious cases of blood lust.

But other than that phuket was a lot of fun! The trip was a rather indulgent one. We stayed at this villa which was super plush. It had like 3 tvs, 2 dvd players, a minimum of 5 pillows and a bolster for each bed, a bathroom about the size of my study (there was another normal sized one too) and a pool. The service is definitely worthy of the hotel's 5 stars and so are the restaurants there.

Sorry no just-came-back-from-overseas presents for you all unless you want seashells.

Anyway I'm glad I'm back and GOSH I'VE MISSED MY PHONE AND MY COM.

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