Sunday, June 6, 2010

when it rains in Melbourne

It was raining when I went to bed last night. It's quite peaceful actually, because it's not like those torrential downpours in Singapore with the thunder and lightning.

It's been pretty rainy today too, but sunny. So I've seen 6 rainbows today (yes I counted). I'm supposed to be finishing my essay/studying but I keep wandering to the window and I stare at the rainbow until it fades completely. So yea, pretty damn screwed for tomorrow.

Thank goodness it's psych and it's all mcq.

From the psych head lecturer:

Hi there MBBers...

As you know you exam is on monday morning in the strange but sort of attractive Exihibition Buildings (make sure you know where that is). I have organised some reasonable weather but i suggest you bear in mind that you may need to wear several layers that you can remove depending upon the temperature. Its a large space and can be too cold or too hot. You do not want to be uncomfortable for three hours.

With regard to the will have plenty of it so do not rush or panic. I suggest you go through the questions you know them return to the harder ones. If you do this then make sure you fill out the right line of the answer sheet each time, use a pencil and bring a rubber - practice safe examination procedure.

Above all do not have to put some serious effort into failing this exam. Read the question, twice, and make sure you are answering it. If you are not completely sure then go for your best answer. I hope there are no typos (i did proof read it and corrected a couple) but use your common sense if there are. We always pick up any rogue questions in the marking procedure and give them a stern talking to.

Finally, have a good weekend, take some time for yourself without working to just relax and ponder the proverbial roses.

Wear something purple to the exam - it will amuse the invigilators!*

take care

*before you ask this is optional!

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