Saturday, December 26, 2009

Okay so I'm going to be awayyyyyyyy! for a pretty long time!

I'm going to miss 2 episodes of 海派 and omg I'm dreading looking at my youtube subscription box when I get back. That means I'll be glued to my laptop again. ADDICTION.

I suddenly really love my laptop. Maybe cos I won't be seeing it for like 2 weeks or so.

When I'm back, I need to settle my uni offer acceptance, then go work out a part-time schedule with the cake shop near my place and start work. $5 an hour :\ better than mac's at least. But it's more for the sake of filling my time than actually earning money because all of you will be in school!


carmen + serenetwin! good luck for your papers! carmen have fun studying with MOWC.

And to everyone, happy new year in advance.

Friday, December 25, 2009

oh yea merry christmas.
If you enjoyed chapter 2,
a condensed version of chapter two of twilight.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Okay I think this will be a considerably long post because the past few days have been... considerably eventful.

I went to island to eat teh tarik (at long last!) the other day and chanced upon this poster when I was passing the rental shop.

I'm sure it's full of intense sword fights, gallant adventures and chivalrous deeds. Nothing spells medieval action movie like Barbie. And who doesn't love those pastel dresses and matching boots.

I had a weird dream the other night about lorraine keong (yellow team, had a mole, had short hair, 6p, went to bendemeer sec). I was out for lunch with the bridgers and I saw her on our way to the restaurant. Anyway, she asked me for my number and I got hers. If I recall it was something like 91299989. Anyone want to try calling it? In my dream I was having a hard time deciding whether or not to bring up bigbang and dbsk for sake of conversation. Then I woke up.

Well the dinner with the family was pretty amusing.

And today! I went to pasir ris with sarahh! Omg! It's the end of the green line! I was reminded of the time twin and brenda and I went to try and find the horse riding place and were sorely disappointed to find that we couldn't ride there. Anyway, the warehouse sale thingy that we went to was playing particularly horrible and annoying techno remix music which just drills away at your ears and are recipes for instant headaches and brain numbing.

Carmen I'm sure you'll like sarahh's present to you.

Thanks sarahh for the presents! I still haven't opened them yet. :D yes the wrapping is awesome.

Hi brenda! I can't wait to meet you tomorrow. I haven't seen you in like FOREVER. AND WE DIDN'T SKYPE.

And that is my definition of considerably long. I count the lines taken up by the picutre (:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Omg. I swear. My flight yesterday screwed up my phone completely. Now bits of the right side of my screen aren't sensitive but when I'm trying to dial a number it's too sensitive. It's so weird and annoying and I can't type or do anything properly. PISSIFIED.

Monday, November 30, 2009


I can't believe valedictory is in two days. Trinity passed so quickly.

And so now as our flight dates near, everyone's switching to overdrive packing mode. Fish's room looks like it was ransacked by some burglars who swept everything on her shelves into large burlap bags then climbed out of her window. Haven't seen the damage done upstairs yet. My roomie's closet thingy is really empty, especially compared to mine, which has clothes falling out cos it's too full.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

hey brenda

Saturday, November 28, 2009

bored people love youtube

Falling in love with John Mayer all over again (:

no more studying

EXAMS ARE OVER. Finally. Now I can relax! But I swear, yesterday was one of the most tiring days I've ever been through. Probably the most exercise I've gotten this year. Walking from melbourne central to dfo south wharf, then walking back to crown, then around crown, then to ivan's place, then back to the crown arcade, then running around like some mad person during laser tag, then walking back to the city to hail a cab at 2 30am. My legs are achy achy achy. Anyway, I still had fun, and spent lots of money.

I bought a new bag! A grey abercrombie and fitch one. It was $35 so I'm pretty happy. On Tuesday I went shopping at docklands with my cousin, and I should have known that shopping with her would end with me buying stuff. I bought two dresses, wearing one to valedictory and the other one.. urh... idk. for fun.

December is coming! (: my favourite month of the year.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

hello esteem issues

I just realised how multi-talented my roommate is. She can draw, sing, dance, she's freaking going to study music at uni next year. She fits into the Renaissance, which is, unsurprisingly, what she studied for HOI.

Oh and she has lots of interests too. She listens to chinese, jap, korean and english music. She watches chinese, korean and english shows and anime and reads manga. She's an avid arsenal supporter. It's quite impossible for someone to have nothing at all in common with her.

P.S. I need a change in my life so I've decided to start putting post titles. I also need a change of wallet urgently.
I want this awesome wallet. Okay I want a lot of awesome things. But restrain, restrain.

So my chem exam is less than 48 hours away and here I am blogging, facebooking, online window shopping. Basically doing everything except what I should be, which is studying chem! Talk about screwed.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

omg yay nicole won antm! she's so pretty and awesome haha. I think laura did better in the cover girl commercial and on the runway though. But nicole's photos are better in general :D

either way I'm sure both will book tons of jobs

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I haven't been feeling any exam stress. WHY. This is bad.

Anyway, EAP was on monday, who cares.

Yesterday was lit, which was pretty bad but hopefully I can still get a decent mark.

Math today was actually rather easy. I had to do one of the questions 5 times before I got the right answer cos of some really careless mistakes I made. The worst thing is, I made a different mistake each of the first 4 times I did that question, so I got 4 different answers. I hate exponential functions. But at least I still got the right answer in the end!

And what really made my day was the awesome possum letter from the department of transport! "WITHDRAWAL OF INFRINGEMENT NOTICE"

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"I have people following me religiously, I don’t care and I want to protect them as they are a part of me. Spill myself into their tiny twisted minds and golden souls. I am in there, so deeply embedded in everyone’s blood, everyone’s heart, until you can’t sleep without me.

I am here to stay.

I am Ris Low."

She is so epic. She sends shivers down my spine. not in a good way.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I was supposed to have a full day today but guess what! Both of my lessons after lunch were cancelled. How awesome. Too bad I still have drama after school :\

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's now 21 degrees at nearing 1am. That was the maximum temperature in a day about a week ago and at around 1am it would be 16 degrees or lower.

In this heat, we're all melting into puddles of lethargic sweat.

I can't study, especially not in this kind of weather. I mean, not like I can study usually, but this just makes it worse. All I want to do is just lie on my bed and enjoy the minimal cooling from the fan, or eat a 20cent icy, or stand in front of the refrigerator with the door open for an hour.

And I swear the heat's getting to our brains. Everyone's going a bit kooky. Or perhaps it's just exam stress?

I can't wait to play pool, play laser tag and go shopping after the exams! 17 more days (:

Sunday, November 8, 2009




Wednesday, November 4, 2009

omg you know I went to watch The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus yesterday and after sitting through 20 minutes of adverts and trailers, the movie finally started. But that's not the point. When the movie finally started, 2 minutes into the film, the film print started to melt. It was bubbling and everything. So it took another 20 minutes for them to change the film reel and set it up or whatever.

But the movie was really cool. So Terry Gilliam. Lily Cole has gigantic eyes.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

After listening to all these korean songs again, I realise that some of them really sound like singapore national day songs. With the exception of the lyrics of course, just the melody. My roomie says it's cos singapore national day songs are too pop and not patriotic enough.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Anyway, I finally got to eat my korean bbq again! My jacket smells like chicken.

I've been listening to Big Bang's Koe Wo Kikasete a lot. Sounds so korean even though the words are jap. Another song I can't get out of my head, Even Alone by Epik High and Clazziquai. They're both awesome bands. yeaaaa. I should go download more of their songs.

Saturday, October 31, 2009



I hope they're top two this cycle.

I'm watching cycle 10 now, instead of studying like I should since exams are in about 2 weeks time.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


It was soooooo hot! But the thing is, it was supposedly only 24 degrees. That means that I'm going to die when I get back to Singapore. SIGH. I like 20 degree weather.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

omg miley's so slutty in this mv. and it's itunes top selling mv. who'd have guessed.
I want steve appleton's new album! or at least the songs. ahhhh.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Frankly speaking, drama is my most hated subject. Yes, even more so than eap, which sucks thoroughly. My heart goes out to my fellow sufferers of the same teacher. freaking mentor.

fish lah.

all this time, effort and frustration just for 10% of the English grade. I'd rather not count English in my best 4 than go through all this.

and wtf how can you expect us to come up with stories with unexpected endings like Frankenstein? do we look like Mary Shelley to you? and wtf how can we possibly do anything if you don't seem to like anything at all? I swear that the only thing that will please you is The Box Version 2.0. gosh and the thing is that no one even enjoys inventing, staging and then performing this abstract shit. not to mention that the audience doesn't enjoy watching it either. apart from you. gah. and you've got to be the one who's marking our performance. great.


I'm now full of foul thoughts cos of drama.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

omg I don't care how freaking weird bloody-eyeball-nicole is. she takes awesome photos.

Monday, October 12, 2009

feeling blah

Saturday, October 10, 2009

feeling uber sleepy. but it's only 10 40!

my housemates have decided that we're going to 'study' or 'do work' at the library tomorrow. unfortunately, two things that I'm particularly allergic to. I really don't want to do any work. but I shall try to force myself to tomorrow. What I really feel like doing is shopping. Actually buying something, not just window shopping. I should budget to let myself shop soon, before mid-season sales are over! if not I'll have to wait till end of season.

p.s. thanks karyn for your random offline messages! they're really sweet.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"A bit disappointing. I mean, it's not a bad mark, but.. yea."
Gosh. How many times have I heard my eap teacher say that. Well whatever, at least eap isn't counted.

I want to go back to France. Take that night cruise down the Seine again and see the Eiffel Tower lit like a Christmas tree. Go see the sacre coeur and notre dame. Walk down the Champs Elysees pretending to be able to afford things there. Ride the metro just for kicks. Sample chocolate truffles and macaroons from the finest chocolatiers. Have fresh croissants for breakfast at the best boulangeries. Soon I hope.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

daylight savings! I just lost an hour. So now melbourne is 3 hours ahead of singapore.

I am dreading starting school again. Not to mention that I'm getting back all my results this week and they're pretty worrying. Gah. I'm also procrastinating again. I've got an eap presentation plan and chem spectroscopy tute questions and an organic chem flowchart to complete before tuesday. Oh well.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

We had mooncake for palmerston dessert today! Am I impressed or what!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just came back from my farmstay! It was really fun. too tired to say much more than that and anyway palmerston internet won't let me upload any photos.

I got to watch The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas at the farmstay haha. A fantastic film, seriously. Go watch it if you haven't! We watched twilight too hurhur.

Today was pretty sucky. We were on the train back from the farmstay and there was some technical issue at a station ahead of us so our train had to stop (bloody west footscray). The train company arranged for coaches to pick up all the passengers but we had to wait an hour for them to come, by which time the trains were able to run again. So the remaining passengers who had not been able to board any of the coaches yet were shepherded back onto the train. We took tram back to palmerston from southern cross station. Lady Luck was CERTAINLY on our side today because tram inspectors came on board and caught us without tickets. So we've got to foot a $172 fine though we can appeal when we get the letter from the department of transport. Okay I suppose the second part was pretty much well deserved but still, it was rather bad luck.

OH WELL. I'm still happy from the farmstay (:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

omg they're so good! I love the arrangement of the song. haha you can actually hear the lyrics properly.

I like Gemma's voice and she's got cool hair haha

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

okay I finally managed to un-screw my blogskin. seriously annoying.

We went to Westfield today! We got on the wrong bus twice, once going there and once going back. Quite irritating but whatever, we managed to get where we wanted to go eventually. After walking around today, I realise that Westfield isn't as big as I thought it was. Or maybe it's just that it's smaller in my mind because I subconsciously counted it in terms of shops I could afford stuff from.

I bought my phone though! haha. awesome. I was playing with my phone's voice control just now when my roomie was in the toilet. Yea yea I know, I've sunk so low that I'm even talking to inanimate objects. BUT THE VOICE CONTROL THINGY IS FREAKING COOL (when it gets stuff right, which is 50% or less of the time).

Oh yeah and I finally watched up yesterday. Really really awesome show haha. And we watched funny people after that. Funny people wasn't very funny, unfortunately, but who cares we didn't pay anyway. Had Oporto for lunch. Good chicken and crunchy fries with chili sauce that reminded us of chicken rice.

I miss my comfort food. I want chicken rice from ying's kitchen. I want crispy catfish and coffee chicken from bumbu. I want chee cheong fun and porridge from ghim moh. I want char siew pau from clementi. I want horfun from the clubhouse. I want oreo gaga from gone fishing. I want chocolate ice blended from coffee bean. I want cocoa twist from spinelli. I want cream puffs from taka. I want teh tarik ice cream and mudpie from island creamery. I want kookie monster ice cream in a chocolate cone from daily scoop.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

king of the court☀:
the top terrorist they caught
used to be a maths teacher
can you imagine
your math teacher turned out to be south east asia's most wanted terrorist
who bombed the marriott and the ritz carlton

I'm pretty sure that lsj and miss beh aren't terrorists though.
ahhh twin I miss you.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm bored. I think these two and a half weeks of vacation left are going to be equally boring. Especially if the weather refuses to be kind and cooperate. At least I'll be getting my phone this holiday! Hopefully a new wallet too. My chocolate bar wallet is flaking like dandruff. I find random bits of it on my bed, on my table, in my bag and a few that wormed their way in between pages of my organic chem notes.

on a random note: posers. I hate posers.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


major respect to del potro who managed to beat BOTH federer and nadal to win his first grand slam ever.

I'm still damn tired because the screaming of some inconsiderate assholes woke me up at 3 30am. It didn't stop till 4 but I couldn't fall asleep again till 6. So I'm totally stoned now, not to mention hungry cos I missed breakfast.

Monday, September 14, 2009

omg I'm so tired I could drop dead any moment. I think it's residual mental exhaustion from the lit essay along with a whole day out today.

After handing in my essay, I went to watch zhen practice piano. Then I met bel and ivan for a very leisurely high tea at Hotel Langham. FINALLY HAD MY JAM AND SCONES. but seriously nothing can beat Broughton Castle (:

We met shu & peiwen & family to go Smith Street where bel, amazingly, didn't buy anything. First time ever she left there empty-handed! Then mahjong/wii at peiwen's place for 3 hours straight (I think?). Eh peiwen your place is really very very comfortable.

Met more people for Korean bbq. We all came out smelling like barbecued meat. I bathed but I feel like I can't scrub the smoke from the barbecue off my face! feels gross. Gosh and I'm still damn full.

thanks ivan for treating us to tea and dinner!
we're going to pay you back t

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I've finally finished my lit essay! which means it's officially the end of the term. AWESOME.

Unfortunately, everyone at Palmerston is being faced with the cruel cruel torture of painfully slow internet. I can't youtube even if I want to. people's tumblr pages are taking forever and a day to load. and facebook "cannot be displayed". It's so irritating.

Anyway, lots of stuff lined up for the holidays so here's hoping for good weather, health and sufficient funds.

Good luck friends with promos (:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

omg my mum's the best. she emailed me to tell me that Ellen's the new idol judge. and that's all in the email. damn fantastic.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I still find grey eyes really gorgeous. But only natural ones. Grey coloured contacts cmi.

Monday, September 7, 2009

the fish with green bones is the garfish.

MONDAY, my lecture day. I'm so glad that I have no tutes on Mondays.

I'm soooooo sleepy now! I intended to sleep early last night BUT my bitch, my roomie and I were having an intriguing but morbid talk about
  • the best ways to die
  • the worst ways to die
  • the best ways to kill lizards, spiders and other various pests
  • what the world will be like in the future

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I love my roommate.

"what kind of fish has green bones"
"... lobster?"

"how many molecules make up an atom?"
"are you seriously asking me that.."
"yea how many molecules make up an atom? ... how many atoms make up a molecule... eh why am I asking that? I mean how many atoms make up a cell"
sorry karyn and brenda and anyone else who bothered to check my blog for updates (:


So the last hurdle left for this term is a 1800 lit essay. I must start earlier than I did for hoi so that I won't finish it just 30minutes before the deadline.

I might be coming back in September. Nothing's confirmed (because my parents are damn lag). But yea, I'm fine staying or going. I wish I could have been back for teachers' day though :\

mehh I feel like rockband-ing with break-ers again (:

omg carmen. you and your ris low. hahahah. shit luh.

I swear youtube comments are the funniest.
"Miss Ris Low loves her ZipBra and leparr prinns.. they make her BOOMS.. she also has a red BIGINI(boobless) that she wore on the Flyer, talking about wanting a BRINNY guy and her aim of being on Miss Singapore World is to show beauty with a purpurrs and not all b-u-teeful peoper are bimbotic!"

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I think my mind currently looks like this:


Either that or it looks like this:


which isn't very good either.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

crazy wind today. the wind is brutal. it's as if all the trees outside my window are going to be uprooted any moment.

Melbourne Forecast

Issued at 5:43 am EST on Sunday 16 August 2009
for the period until midnight EST Saturday 22 August 2009.

Warning Summary at issue time

Severe weather warning for damaging winds for the Central forecast district.

Gale warning for Port Phillip.

Gale warning for Western Port.

Details of warnings are available on the Bureau's website, by telephone 1300-659-217* or through some TV and radio broadcasts.

Forecast for the rest of Sunday

Cloudy. Areas of rain, easing to isolated showers during the afternoon. Isolated thunderstorms and the chance of hail tonight. Winds northerly averaging 50 to 65 km/h, tending west to northwesterly up to 50 km/h this afternoon then decreasing to 20 to 35 km/h later in the evening.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I've always found it funny how there are some people I talk to online but just don't talk to in person, and some people I talk to in person but just don't talk to online.

I just can't escape procrastination. I've been staring at the same page for the last godknowshowlong because I've been facebooking and stuff in between. If the situation really calls for drastic measures, I will unplug my internet cable.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I got drenched on my way to class.
Then I somehow got a bruise on my cheek.
Then my head got bashed in by my roomie's knee.
Then I accidentally whacked my chin with the shower head.
Then I bumped my head against my cupboard door while closing it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm in love with this pair of shoes. But it's $100 so I can just forget it. At least until I get my 3G s. Either way it's so not worth it cos it's so plain. It's just that the material is nice cos it's jersey. And Lennon's logic as to why I should buy it, "If you wear the shoes more than 50 days then it's just $2!"

iPhone fund: $313.37

Sunday, August 9, 2009

First thing I did when I woke up this morning afternoon was sing national day songs. 好想念.

Then we changed into our patriotic red shirts and we looked like some communist party.

(colour accent FAIL)

And we're damn pro you know. In addition to matching red shirts, we had matching grey jackets.

so dressed up in our matching red shirts and grey jackets, we trooped off to the supermarket to spread the love of Singapore (and pick up toothpaste and other random stuff).

After coming back, we ate and played cards then we SANG NATIONAL DAY SONGS. That didn't last too long. So we CAMWHORED. oh gosh. We surpassed 600 photos. pwnage man! I would upload everything on facebook but my internet quota would just dissolve and I would be left stranded for the rest of the month. More reason for me to look forward to going home and upload photos!

And as if our day wasn't patriotic enough, we even said THE PLEDGE at 10.22pm melbourne time, ie. 8.22pm sgt. pledge moment yea?

How was ndp this year? I don't really like this year's song. It's okay but I prefer the older songs like Where I Belong. I can't get it out of my head. It's a really nice song actually (:

Another song I'm really addicted to now is Haru Haru by Big Bang. So un-me right? But it's so amazingly catchy.

Well enough of this inane chatter. I should be asleep! good night!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's national day tomorrow!

And as promised, my roomie and I are in our red "I love Singapore" shirts. We're supposed to sing national day songs and stuff but we haven't. I think we'll do it tomorrow. I wish I could celebrate it in school like I've done the past 12 years of my life but oh well.. we'll make do.

Hope you all enjoy your long weekend!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

omg firefox quit before I saved/published my post. And my autosave failed. fantastic.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Meet Emily Grace Reaves and Noah Lindsey Cyrus;

It's so scary how they dress like they're teens but they're only 8 and 9 respectively.

Oh but this is worse. So totally Mean Girls.

I predict that they're going to be Disney's next mileymandy/demiselena.

Now meet Frankie Jonas, 8 years old. Frankie Jonas says he already has a band and "we're doing some demos". So Disney doesn't need to worry about the next Jonas Brothers either.

And there are people out there who want these two to be the next niley.

I mean, seriously, they're KIDS. freaking KIDS. Not even a decade old yet. Prepubescent with their futures dictated by what will increase publicity.

Oh well.

I'm down with the fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I hate being sick.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

8-person bridge. retarded tawnlm.

I miss writing narratives. I feel as though all of my creativity(whatever minute amount there was) has been squashed out of me with all these academic essays. They're so amazingly unexciting. Seriously.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I love this song.

Yesterday! I spent most of my day shopping. I bought a $7.80 jacket, pretty much just for the sake of buying something. So much for saving up for my 3G s haha!

I played 6 person bridge just now with 2 decks of cards. Not just ATTEMPTED okay, PLAYED. A bit screwy and a lot of confusion but nonetheless, fun (and retarded). You should try it sometime.

oh dear I slacked my weekend away yet again.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

catchy song! I had it stuck in my head earlier.

and I keep getting 只对你有感觉 stuck in my head too! and horror of horrors I realised today that I didn't put it on my phone so I couldn't listen to it to get it out of my head.

My drama class has been sorted into our groups for this term's exam. We need to do a 6-10 minute performance in front of an audience of other students. oh and of course the drama teachers. Ahhh and I haven't started on my psych/hoi essays! I'm so dead man! hmm english common task is due soonish too. plus there's mini math tests almost every week or something. I'd better get to work yea?

Ingrid Michaelson (: She can sing live.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I never imagined that I would miss Singapore this much. Right now, pretty much the only thoughts that pass through my head are about going home. In a way, it's worse than when I came in Feb because home didn't plague my brain like it's doing now. I wish I could go back in September. Fat chance. So it's a long wait till 5th December.

we haven't talked in ages ):

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

omg I swear I'm so going deaf.

"must bring covered shoes"
"huh cabbage juice?!"
"fbts: flash butt and thighs"

my mind is feeling disjointed. Like there's something that's just been bugging me the entire day and even if I'm trying to concentrate on something else, it's still there. Perhaps I owe someone something.

oh well. results! results results! pretty good so far I suppose. but I wish I could have done better for some stuff. I guess it's not too bad either way (:

Monday, July 13, 2009

I was talking to sarah woohoo and she had this to say:
you know
i made
a guy
it was during chinese
then he kept disturbing me
cause he like
cannot pay attention one
so he kept talking
alot alot of funny rubbish
then cause i have like
then he and this other guy
who used to be in woohooland
got kicked out
cause they rebelled
and 'created'
cool island
or smth like that
then they realised
no one wanted to join them
so they wanted to come back to woohooland
so i was like
you all rebelled
i dont want to take you back
and then (he always uses this to 'threaten' you) he said: eh sarahhhhhhhh i cry ah!
like he's done that millions of times
and each time i nod my head vigorously
then he
he'll say smth like
eeeeeeee. no so hard to cry
as in like
he stoned for a while (amazing right)
then he showed me this droplet that formed at the corner of his eye
then i was like laughing la
so i was like nonono must drop until like beside your nose
then at the same time another one came from the other eye
then my whole face turned red
cause the laoshi was staring at the both of us
like wth
so i covered my face
and the laoshi asked what was going on
and EVERYONE turned around
and i was like
lao shi ta ku le!
the laoshi lookat meeeeee
so i covre my face
then he went on saying
everyone turn aronud and look at her, to see the meaning of (What's that phrase for redfaced?)
so i use my jacket to cover my face
then i asked the teacher whether i can move place
i said he was disturbing me
so the laoshi suggested i change place
then ichanged place
omg so embarrassinggg
then the laoshi damn annoying one la
'yi ge zai nai li ku, ling yi ge you lian hong....'
then something abouttt
i wonder what mustve been going on
or smth like that

haha I miss you deskbuddy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

  • pay attention during chem lectures
  • pay attention during chem tutes
  • make productive use of hoi lectures if I'm not paying attention
  • do my math homework
  • start studying for exams earlier than the day/night before
  • check my exam papers properly instead of leaving so early
haha okay whatever. I'll be lucky if these resolutions even last till the second week of term.

And other goals! iPhone 3gs! I can get it in 2 months I think, if I save 80% of my allowance each month. But that's pretty impossible so maybe... two and a half months. I hope.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


brenda for being there to see me off (and meeting me almost everyday besides that). It means so much since I won't be seeing you for almost an entire year.

carmen for the peace ring and for all the laughs last night. Remember, Turkey is not in Africa or Egypt but Egypt is in Africa.

karyn for calling even though you couldn't be there (:

sarah for also providing much amusement last night :D:D:D awesome deskbuddy

serene for the mention in your blogpost. I know you're really busy with everything so thanks (:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I feel sunburnt.

Last night was syf presentation night! After another xiaolongbao dinner at dingtaifung, we teetered and tottered in our completely un-sensible shoes from raffles city to esplanade. There was a lot a lot of hassle trying to pass tickets to different people. Quite funny at some point really..

Anyway, then the concert itself. 
The tkgs trumpet soloist is damnnnnnnnnnn pro. Okay so she screwed up at one part but she still sounded damn good! 
The acsi percussionist. respect man! how do you play two instruments at once and six throughout one piece. You should have seen brenda's face haha.

omg serene I don't care what you say about how below standard your band performance was because it was still good. we didn't manage to spot jun rong but we DID manage to spot jon foo. haha.

I realise that I'm leaving tomorrow. I mean yea I get to see my melbourne friends but it's still really saddening not being able to see all of you for another 5 and a half months and brenda for 11 months. 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

hello mr appleton :D

Friday, July 3, 2009

I miss this song. Remember this video sarah?!

haha and I can't get enough of nigahiga. omg. hilarious.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

yay I went out with brenda jan and karyn today!

I love ben&jerry's chocolate therapy. I haven't had ben&jerry's in ages but I must say, although it's nice, it just can't compare with lygon gelato. mmmm crema's dutch chocolate, freddo's cookies, gelatissimo's chocolate sorbet

I FINALLY got my bubble tea! I'm so happy now :D:D:D

Thanks jan for your extremely enthusiastic hugs haha. Good luck for bio!

Thanks karyn for your letter! it made me laugh haha. I miss chinese lessons with squidward老师 :\

Thanks brenda for the awesome tshirts. We should all wear them on monday and camwhore haha. Should I buy you scrabble jewellery to match?

Sunday, June 28, 2009


How I've missed the freedom of movement with wifi and unlimited internet access, showers that don't squeak and squeal, food that doesn't suck.

Friday, June 26, 2009

WHOO. It's been a while hasn't it?

I can't wait for my food! and my friends!

sorry serene iou your present :D

Friday, June 19, 2009

Right now, I'm pretty much numb to the fact that I've got an exam tomorrow, which is probably not a good thing. The teachers here are so much more relaxed about exams than the teachers in Singapore so you don't really feel the stress I guess.

Anyway I've still got to finish my essay by tonight so I can print it in time to hand up on Monday. Thank goodness tomorrow is only english. Otherwise I'd probably fail my way through it. Either way, I'm still screwed for math on monday, psych on wednesday and chem on thursday.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

yay the rest of the hoi tutes this term are slack. okay there's only one more.. which is going to be spent watching some video about da vinci. the last tute was a museum tour.

omg I had really tasty pizza last night but it was so oily that sam could write my name with the oil. but apparently she has issues spelling my name... she spelt it wrongly TWICE when she was vandalising my chem notes too.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today after breakfast, we heard this noise which sounded like a million maracas being shaken by angry percussionists (like brenda! haha). I thought it was rain at first but when we went outside..

it was hailing!

how cool is that man.. (6º to be exact)

looks like sago.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I think my roomie's sick of hearing me say "oh my god I can't wait to go back". I say it at least 5 times a day.

But seriously, I can't help it! I get a bit high just thinking about going home.

I shall dedicate my first week to my family and food and catching up with brenda (since everyone else is busy with tests). The second half of my stay will be devoted to everyone else and more food. I want hawker centre food and homecooked meals. and I want ikea meatballs!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

awesomeeee I've gotten almost everyone's presents! I feel so broke now.

oh no but twinnn I still don't know what to get for you because I can't sneak into the rod laver arena and cut out a slab of the court for you.

I really really really can't wait to go back. 20 more days!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

angyiiii: really?! haha we'll see if you recognise me when I come back in June.
xk: yea! oh man I miss 613132! :(

what am I doing.. I should be studying. or something. exams are in two weeks. eap presentation is next week. drama monologue is next week. lit essay is due in two weeks. BUT I finished my hoi essay! so cool. haha. I guess I shall reward myself with a bit of slack time.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

we celebrated Sam's birthday last night! (I realise that I don't really blog much about the people here so maybe you don't know who sam is) and it was pretty retarded. Our attempt to surprise her was like 50% fail.. but at least she was still surprised.

I feel like eating char siew mee. Or chicken rice. Or kwaychap.
I'm really sorry. It was just a harmless prank. none of us meant anything by it. I hope you know that

Ugh time to go get my bank draft for my rent :\

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

june timeline update!
1st lit essay question release
5th hoi essay due
9th english presentation; replacement math lecture; karyn's birthday!
11th drama monologue exam
20th exams start; english exam
22nd lit essay due; math exam
24th psych exam
25th chem exam
26th last minute gift shopping and packing

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


stupid hoi essay.

june timeline:
1st lit essay question release
5th hoi essay due
9th english presentation; replacement math lecture; karyn's birthday!
11th drama monologue exam
22nd lit essay due; exams start

Monday, May 25, 2009

I can't stand the way some people here don't know how to treat their friends properly. What a bitch man. Totally. I feel sorry for your friends because they have to deal with all this shit from you even though they've been nothing less than the best to you. I feel sorry for you because if you carry on like this you'll land yourself alone eventually. All I can say is I'm glad you've moved.

On a happier note! I've got almost all of kris' and adam's songs from this season! thanks bel! you're damn proooo!

Monday, May 18, 2009

sometimes I wonder if my friends are intentionally lame or not.

"what are you playing?"
"by yourself?"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I met my sister to watch Angels and Demons today. Wow I think I didn't see her for almost a month before this. oops.

Anyway, Angels and Demons was really good. Some parts were pretty gruesome though.. I had to sit through at least 10 deaths in the film? Disturbing. My sis says it's a bit different from the book (needless to say, I haven't read it) but we both really enjoyed it. I guess it was worth the $14.

sighhhh. it's a cold and dreary now.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I really love autumn.

I went on a walk around mel u with my darling roommate today! And we were falling in love with the trees and the buildings and autumn in general. It's so awesome that it inspired me to write. And it takes quite a lot to make me want to write and actually complete what I started writing so I'm really happy. Autumn makes me really happy :D

Saturday, May 9, 2009

You make me wonder, sometimes, how deep our friendship runs.

Don't you know that what you says hurts?
Do you even care that it hurts?
Or are you just too cold-blooded?
You and your materialistic consumeristic attitude.

Yet on other occasions, you just make me smile.
make me feel warm inside,
as comforting as warm milk and cookies in the heart of winter.

You really do make me wonder.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Yesterday randomly during lit lecture I felt like falling asleep on a nice patch of grass. Don't ask. I don't know either.

Anyway, let me tell you how smart I am. While recovering from a sore throat, I decided to eat chips and chocolate. So now it feels like I've got a cactus wedged in my throat.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Wanderings of the mind/Daydreaming
you should try to score full marks.
I think of floods, and Noah & his ark,
Disaster, death, save a couple of pairs.
But now population explosion, we're breeding like hares.
swing swing swing again
to meadows of green where I can be sane.
Soil erosion, runoffs, raindrop impact.
my head is buzzing with all these facts.
Buzzing buzzing like a swarm of bees,
during lessons, this is where my mind flees.

a scream, a shout
a chair kicked about.
a real bee appears,
flies around my ears.
worksheets come in handy here
sweeping the insects far from near
Shoo Shoo **** bee, get out!
to your sweet pollen, please do not pout.
Shut the windows! Close the French doors!
Don't let those bees come in anymore.

away away away
to a treasure trove, I say.
where the water is blue
and the island birds coo.
where hammocks swing
and surfer dudes are king.

a shout, a thwack
now I'm under attack
my train of thought is broken
I'm like a child without a token
to spend at the funfair.
Now I'm in class, no longer out there

- Spam Hanon Wenko Lipton & Zach Xavier Collins (posted 27th June 2008)

oh haha I just realised that I'll be going back to Singapore exactly a year after that poem was posted on rbtw.

I feel like I've lost all ability to write creatively. My vocabulary is very much a passive one. I don't use the words I know. I just have this miniscule selection of words that I recycle like they were the cause of all the pollution in the world. It's seriously pathetic. And the worst thing is that there's no need for me to write narratives for english anymore so I've got no motivation to write. And there's no more classmates who tide me over classroom boredom by writing retarded (but nevertheless good) poems and stories and pretty post-its. I've forgotten how to write. I've forgotten.

The RubberBand

Karyn can you remember which lecture this was from? I can't! D:

21 ways to die. If I'm not wrong it was created during a combined sy-se chem lesson with lbh.

It's coming to 3 months since I first arrived in Melbourne and I can't think of anything I'm looking forward to more than going back to Singapore. There are almost too many things I miss, from $6 movie tickets to the infinite variety of good food, but it goes without saying that what I miss most of all is the people. Life's so different without being able to see you guys practically everyday. And so, the count down begins now. 54 days.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

breakfast conversations

s: I put too much pepper!
y: huh water?
z: what? bottle?

a little bit later..

h: I don't think they put the pickle thing in the porridge
s: did you say you DO or you DON'T?
h: DON'T?
s: what? DO or DON'T?

and it went on like that for a while then

y: what are you talking about? pickle is it?
z: what liquor?

Apparently palmerston people are pretty deaf in the morning.

Go listen to nevershoutnever! His songs are pretty awesome like those on his myspace playlist. I love playing heregoesnothin' on taptap.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

omg school starts tomorrow.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Here brenda, what you're missing for not coming here. tsk tsk.

SARAHHHH! this reminded me of kungfu panda which reminded me of you haha

Driving theory test tomorrow! I'd better pass or it's 30 bucks down the drain.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I went to the melbourne zoo today!

Here Karyn, your "pretty giraffe"

oh oh and twin, for you..

and there was this really pretty butterfly that was sc colours but the photo's really blurry :(

during lunch we were so bored that we used all of this

to make this

Monday, April 20, 2009

"... equestrian competition"
"huh what any question?"
"orhhh chey I thought it's some competition where they ask you any question and you answer"
omggg I miss the food in singapore soooooo sooooooo much!

shit luh.

I crave warm garlic naan dipped in spicy butter chicken curry

I long for the spurt of soup in my mouth as I sink my teeth into succulent xiao long baos

I miss the smell of vinegar wafting from the bowls of meepok at the recess table and the people around it

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I went to the Melbourne Aquarium yesterday! There were normal creatures and stuff like what you see at Underwater World (from what I remember like 10 years ago)

manta ray!


but there were some pretty weird creatures too like

this! (whatever fish it is)


There's lots more photos but I'm kind of lazy to upload them now.

I feel like eating Ben&Jerry's phish food now.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Guess what time I slept last night?

9 45am this morning.

Amazing right?

And then I slept in until 3pm then went out for lunch. We finished lunch at 5pm. I wonder what time I'll eat dinner and sleep tonight.

eh brenda I'm practically living in your timezone!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

omg my grandad was admitted to hospital for suspected deep vein thrombosis D:

and omg I spent so much money today. And all in one shop, JayJays (which is a super awesome cool shop and everyone who comes to australia should go there to shop).

$49.95 grey skinnies
+$39.95 black skinnies
+$39.95 cookie monster hoodie
=$129.85 of pure indulgent spending

gahhh. I have a total of 25cents left in my wallet now. For real. and I'm going out for lunch and a movie with my sis tomorrow. TALK ABOUT BROKE MANNNN

edit: In the end one of my housemates bought over my black skinnies so I spent a total of $89.90 at JayJays. It's somewhat better I guess.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Someone cosplayed to go for the math exam.

You should have seen her makeup zomg. Her entire face was red because she put too much rouge or something and you could see this line parallel to her jawline cos she didn't put on her foundation properly. We were speculating that she was trying to distract everyone so that we would all fail the math exam and she would do well.

Yesterday's lit exam she wore some freaky silk goth dress with ruffles down the front and it had white trimming and she was wearing clompy boots with chunky heels and her white socks showed above the top of them. It was quite.. weird to say the least.

Friday, April 3, 2009

yay juniors I'm so proud of all of you! I knew you could do it (:
awesome awesome awesome.

okay today was rather torturous. After lunch, I left for my lessons and it started raining cats and dogs like 2 minutes after I stepped out the door. My friends and I bought an umbrella to share but the rain was so heavy that it was pretty useless. When at long last I walked into my lit tutorial (looking like something that the cat dragged in), I was soaked through thoroughly from head to toe. So my jacket was still completely wet and when I left my lit tutorial to go for chem lecture, I had to walk through the drizzle and endure the relentless wind in shorts, a tshirt and wet shoes (and socks), carrying my soaked jacket in hand. I was almost sh-sh-shivering. My shoes had so much water in them that the water was swirling around inside and it squelched loudly with every step I took. After an immensely boring chem lecture, I still had to walk back with my squelchy shoes. gah.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

31st March - psych presentation & english presentation
4th April - math exam
6th April - lit exam
8th April - chem exam

I can't believe I have two presentations on the same day. That's super unlucky. And worse still, the periods are back to back. And my exams start on a SATURDAY. So sucky luhhh. Oh well.. It'll be over soon then I have a 10 day break :D

Oh yea before I forget, daylight savings ends on 5th April so the time diff between melbourne and singapore will be 2 hours instead of 3.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I have not a single drop of acting blood in me! What shit man!

Okay fine it's not included in the final grade but excuse me for being an achia and saying, "it counts but it doesn't count". I can't just go up and impromptu because I'm not anywhere near as good at improv as the whose line cast. The worst part is that my drama teacher is my mentor (like he settles all my admin things like travel declaration). ZOMG.

Monday, March 16, 2009

omgggggg my parents + facebook = disasterrrrrr

okay not really. but it's getting a little obsessive haha.

Exhibit A: an excerpt from an email from my mum
"I get the sense you're having to work pretty hard. Hope you find school stimulating nevertheless. Presume history of ideas classes have started and offer something fresh and interesting. Did you see me poke you on facebook?"

Exhibit B: phone call with my mum
"Oh I saw a photo of you with pink sunglasses on facebook! I thought you didn't like that kind of pink. How come you bought pink sunglasses? etc. etc. etc."
Okay not exactly like that but that's more or less the gist of it. I was like "uhh I was wearing my friend's sunglasses"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"How come all those greek statues have six packs?"

"Are those saggy six packs? oh no it's cloth.."

1985 starts playing on my itunes then
"eh can you please play a song I know?"
"huh? you mean you don't know 1985?!"
"I do!"
"this IS 1985"
"oh.. haha"

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I got up at like 12 30 today and let me tell you, it felt awesome.

I swear I'm still living in singapore time okay. I've been sleeping at 2am for most nights and I think it's killing me slowly.

Okay so after walking up at 12 30, I ate my supposed breakfast (which was really more like lunch) and then at 1 + I skyped brenda. And I skyped her all the way to 4pm. foey love mannnn.


Friday, March 6, 2009

quotable quote
"He has a pet prawn called Food"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

ZOMG. I found a friend from kindergarten at trinity. coolio. I think she's in my math lecture.

Michelle Wijaya is in my chem tutorial.

Some random guy who says he knows th is in my english class.

I feel so rested :D I slept at 2 and I woke up at 10+ today. Finally a decent 8 hours of sleep. Lucky me, there's no chem prac today so I only have one lesson at 3 45. It's a history of ideas tutorial and my teacher is apparently supposed to be really good (he taught 8 of the 10 top hoi students last year) so fingers crossed that his teaching works on me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Eh karyn you damn blunt horh.
"i totally dont support parents being friends with their kids on fb, ugh."
on my wall where my dad can read it.

haha I agree with you though.

But still, I couldn't possibly have ignored my dad's friend request right? I'd probably be interrogated on skype or something.

and horror of horrors I think my dad's testing out all the retarded facebook stuff on me. He wrote on my wall, poked me and sent me a message (in fact it was just a subject. there was no actual message). Pretty soon I'm going to find a million group invites or some such shit.

Okay so at long last I've had my first day of school. Psychology was pretty okay, chem was utterly dull besides the demos and math was totally torturous. The math lecturer is as fast as a bullet train and speaks as softly as ms beh speaks loudly. Thank goodness the topics we're currently doing is stuff I've done before. gawshhhhhh.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh yea I forgot to tell you.

My hair is freaking pink now.

I bought a purple dye (many people can testify to the purpleness of the sample we were shown) but somehow it just turned out pink.
omg I'm freaking tired today. Two days ago, my friends and I talked, ate and played cards till 4 30, then I slept for about 45 minutes and then we left the house at 6 to go to victoria market. WHOA RIGHT.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

check out my awesome flower light! and the obama calendar!

karyn - hair's fading a lot. I'm going to get my friend to help me dye it again :D

eugenie - don't worry I'm still as short as ever (but surprise surprise I'm not the shortest person here!) the brick wall looks deceptively good in photos.

brenda - my phone is being used more for taptap than for messaging or calling and my housemates and I decided that we need to swear of snacks from now on. I'm going to be fat when I come back in june!

shayne - yea omg psppppppp. haha I'll fight with you again in june.

sarah - sigh but classes start next week :\ suckyyyyy

carmen - OMG OKAY. TOTALLY. SKYPE. miss you too bitch.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Okay so since we haven't actually started school yet, everyone at palmerston spends a lot of time playing card games. So everyday is like taiti and bridge and then the occasional poker and murderer and most recently, snapjack. We played speed and heart attack too. HAHA I'M GETTING BETER AT BRIDGE AND TAITI.

Oh and we all gather in one house to watch AI together. I'm so sad that anoopdawg didn't get in! ): I hope he gets in through wildcard! I like alexis grace! She's cool man.

I've put up my obama calendar! And everone who comes into my room is like "omg obama". I love the Obama quotes. They're ultra inspirational. Thanks twin! :D

I haven't seen any spinelli's here (although there's brunetti's which is good but not for ice chocolate). I miss just stoning at spinelli's with all of you or playing brenda's psp or taptapping or vandalising notebooks.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my room! or at least some part of it. The photo was carefully taken so as not to expose as much of a mess as there actually is.

haha karyn! my cat's on my lamp now.

and baby ele too!

I'm only going to show you my neatest shelf. I kept all of your letters in carmen's college survival kit :D because I couldn't bear to stick thumbtacks through them to pin them up.

oh and check out the view. hurhhhh. It's like another hostel/apartment thingy thing. But the sky and the trees always look pretty.

Anyway I can't upload photos on facebook for now cos it's the uploading speed here is like.. slower than me running my 2.4 and then somehow the iphoto exporter can't connect to facebook (like my msn!) so I have to upload like 5 by 5? which will take forever and I'm too lazy to haha.

I had some drama workshop today omg I nearly died okayyyyyyyyyyy. We all had to ACT out a goodbye scene where you run to an imaginary pier and wave to an imaginary person on an imaginary boat that's about to sail out of your imaginary view. GRAH. DRAMA IS SO NOT MY THING. I'M GOING TO SUFFER FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR WITH SOLO PERFORMANCES.

on the last day of orientation we have some bush dance, which is like line dancing wtf?